Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analysis of rights and obligations of a citizen and a State towards Essay

Analysis of rights and obligations of a citizen and a State towards each other - Essay Example Put it in simpler terms, how can the State be subject to the legal order whereas the State is the authority from which the legal order originates? In the real sense, there are no obligations and rights of the State in the same sense as of obligations and rights of citizens. That a citizen has obligations and rights means that certain legal effects are attached to his behaviour. Therefore, the legal order cannot impose obligations and confer rights upon the State. The difficulty of conceiving obligations and rights of the state should not be misconstrued to mean that the law-creating power cannot be subjected to law (Isin et al, 86). This paper analyzes the duties of the State to its citizens as well as the obligations and rights of the citizens. While analyzing the obligations and rights of the State, it attributes to the State or those human actions which constitute the contents of these obligations and rights. Generally, the obligations and rights of the State are a definition of the obligations and rights of State organs. These are obligations and rights of individuals who by law are considered as state organs, and they are required to carry out specific functions as stipulated by the legal order. It is this function that forms the content of an obligation by the State organ. If the function is not executed, the individuals who are themselves the State organs are liable to a sanction (Xenos, 218). Furthermore, the obligation of the State to its citizens does not refer to actions or omissions which have the character of an offense against the law. An offence which is a violation of the national legal order cannot be construed as an offence of the State. However, an offense which is in contravention of international law, c ane be imputed to the State, in the same manner which an offense of national law can be attributed to any other juristic person within the national legal order. Nevertheless, the State has a duty to repair the wrong which involves the

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Toyota Prius Essay Example for Free

The Toyota Prius Essay The microenvironment consists of actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers- the company, suppliers, marketing, intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics. During the introduction and sale of the Toyota Prius, four major sectors of the microenvironment attributed to its success: The company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, and publics. Toyota’s customer driven marketing strategy is largely responsible for its success in the hybrid car market. Forward thinking and focus on the societal and marketing concepts allowed for the company to deliver superior customer value to its customers. Management’s focus on the world’s dependence on gasoline and perceived customer value proved to be useful tools in understanding the more environmentally conscious and non-affluent mindsets of consumers. Sleek Asian- inspired design, a roomy interior, and expensive interior options and features usually only found in luxury vehicles, provided customers with the superior value of luxury at a desirable price. Toyota’s value delivery network is also crucial to daily operations. The timely delivery of cars to manufactures helped to avoid bottlenecks and supply shortages which are often seen with products gaining rapid market share. Delays, labor strikes, and loss of suppliers can seriously disrupt the supply chain, cost sales in the short run and damage customer satisfaction in the long run. Working closely with its suppliers, Toyota is able to strengthen relationships to insure it receives the lowest costs; thus, providing more customer value for its customers. Marketing intermediaries such as media publics, government publics, and the general public play a pivotal role in Toyota’s Prius sales. Due to the economic and environmental forces facing the world today, media publics depict the company as doing a good service for the world, gaining governmental support and enticing the general public to purchase the Prius with the sense that they are doing their part to reduce the world’s dependence on fossil fuels and preserving the environment. In 2007 Toyota sold 181,000 Priuses in the US alone, a 70 percent increase over 2006 sales with little promotional effort. This implies that media, government and the general public played a large role in creating customer awareness, and Toyota’s dedication to its customer driven marketing strategy and value supply chain provided its customers with the best value. Which technical and economic forces affect the marketing of the Toyota Prius? The economic environment consists of factors that affect the consumer’s purchasing power and spending patterns. Marketers must pay close attention to major trends and consumer patterns in domestic and global markets. One economic force facing the entire world is our dependence on gasoline and the price that it costs. For Toyota, the release of the Prius was designed to gain market share by doing exactly that: saving the consumer money on gasoline purchases. While the national average per car in 2001 was 25 miles per US gallon (9.4 l/100 km) in the United States, the Prius boasted as staggering 42 miles per gallon. With the current strain on North American consumers, high unemployment, companies downsizing due to technological advances, recessions, and price inflation, it is not hard to see why consumers would favor a car that saves you money at the pump. Not to mention, the price of gasoline was a record $4.12 in 2008 and during that time the financial meltdown had left many consumers out of work and looking for ways to make ends meet. Gasoline is a finite commodity, and it is prone to drastic swings dependent on the global macroeconomic picture and supply chain distributions. Toyota understands that customers don’t like to be held sway to these forces and it will continue to imply this strategy in its marking to insure future sales. Technical advances also played a very important role in Toyota’s success. The Prius’ combination of power sources, a rechargeable battery, and low gas consumption made it instantly appealing to consumers. Without the technological advances in hybrid systems and lithium batteries, the Prius would be much less effective and would not have gained market share so quickly. Advancements in LED screens, GPS, touch screen displays and other high tech gadgets made them more affordable, giving the Prius the interior of a luxury car at an appealing price. Though as technology advances and once luxury items become more common place and affordable, new advancements in technology might pose a threat to the company in the future. Toyota must reinvest in research and development in hybrid technology to maintain its current market share. A value network is defined as the network made up of the company, suppliers, distributors, and ultimately customers who â€Å"partner† with each other to improve the performance of the entire system. A value network for a company as big as Toyota plays a critical role in delivering customer satisfaction. The Toyota Prius value delivery network begins with the company Toyota itself. Strong management, design, and marketing must all coalesce to ensure that the Prius is designed and marketed properly. Internal research, development and innovation are crucial in maintaining market share and increasing share of the customer in such a competitive industry. Day to day operations must run smoothly at Toyota in order for it to focus on new product ideas and promotional efforts. However, many companies must look beyond their own value chain and focus on external factors facing the company. Once Toyota is ready to proceed with the construction of the Prius, it must work closely with supp liers. Relationship management is crucial in receiving external parts such as LCD screens, dashboard displays, sound systems, and other features of the luxurious interior of the Prius at lost cost. This is crucial in maintaining an attractive cost to consumers. Timely delivery of these parts is also of extreme importance as faulty products could cause costly recalls and delays of product deliveries could set Toyota’s production behind schedule, delaying distribution, and ultimately damaging the reputation of the company and hurting sales. The companies that Toyota chooses to affiliate itself with, is also of extreme importance. New technological advances in RD design could help give Toyota an advantage over its competition and faulty equipment could cause costly recalls. Toyota must continually strive to improve its product and actively manage its business portfolio to achieve its goals and increase its long term share of the marketplace. With a total of 2.8 million Priuses having been sold worldwide as of October 2012, Toyota knows that distribution is a huge part of its success. Customers flock to showrooms and car dealership to get their hands on Priuses. Toyota knows that its customers must be able to purchase their products easily and that waiting lists and other delays could hurt the relationship with its customers. With strong competition from other electric car manufactures such as the Chevy Volt and the Tesla Roadster, proper manufacturing, timely and cost effective deliveries of products to Toyota, and global distribution of its products is the key to generating customer satisfaction and ultimately increasing market share. What is the market orientation of the Prius? The Prius shares characteristics of three of the five major market orientations: the product concept, the marketing concept, and the societal concept. Toyota shows that it is deeply dedicated to improving product quality, performance, and innovation. In the competitive world of the electric car, innovation is extremely important. Toyota has displayed this with the improved gas conservation and better battery power of the newer models of the Prius. The company also knows the needs and wants of its customers more so than its competitors. This dedication to the marketing orientation is a big reason why the Prius is one of the best selling cars in the world. The marketing orientation that stands out for the Prius is its dedication the societal concept. Toyota knows that gasoline is a finite commodity and that the days of the gas guzzling SUV’s are coming to an end. Toyota’s dedication to long term societal and environmental effects is one of the key points of the marketing strategy for the Prius. Its saves the consumer money, but it is also better for the environment. Forward thinking, such as environmentally stable, eco-friendly green cars is clearly the wave of the future for the automobile industry. Toyota’s dedication to the societal orientation will insure that the company stays focused on the long term effects of its products and will be better prepared for future challenges. A company’s â€Å"value proposition† is the set of benefits of values it promises to deliver to customers to satisfy their needs. Toyota’s Prius has differentiated itself by offering a solution to consumers who are uncomfortable with the current price of gasoline. By focusing on cleaner, greener energy, the Toyota Prius has captured market share from many of its competitors in the automotive industry, and left many companies wondering how they can reduce their carbon footprint and improve their image. The value to owning a Prius doesn’t stop at the pump. The Prius is stylish, roomy, and packed with luxury options in the interior creating a strong sense of satisfaction for customers. Toyota is selling a vehicle, but it is also selling an experience. It ultimately lies in the satisfaction customers get from driving the product and the feeling that is created knowing that you are doing your part to save the environment. Why buy a Prius? It’s simple. In a world as congested and polluted as the world we live in today, why not do your part to save our environment and reduce global warming? The answer to many consumers questions is: the Prius. Works Cited Kotler,Armstrong,Cunningham,Thrifts: Principles of Marketing 8th Canadian Edition, Pearson Canada, 2010. Print. Fuel economy, January 29th,2013 Patrick Dehaan, Jason Toews, Feburary 2013 Toyota Prius sales, February 7th, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teaching Philosophy :: Education Teachers Reflective Writing Essays

Teaching Philosophy Teaching is a profession that can only be defined by those who are in it, and no two teachers will ever give the same answer. Over the past few weeks I feel that my philosophy on teaching has changed drastically. Students look up to their teachers, they look to learn and to have a companion. The students have a thirst for knowledge. I always thought that students would dread coming to math, but many look forward to it. For me, math has always been a strong point and a subject that I have enjoyed and I look forward to being able to share my love with my students. My goal is to be successful. Successful to me means to be able to change the life of at least one student. To be an inspiration to those that I teach. To share a love for a subject that most students hate. To touch at least one student’s life and know I made a difference. I want to be one of those teachers that students are excited that they have. I want to make math fun and have a good time doing it. My goal is to be the teachers that I admire. To be able to become the teachers that I have admired there are several ways to go about it. Cooperative learning strategies are a huge help in having the students learn mathematics. There are many different methods that will assist in the education of the students. Of all of the different strategies, the ones that I have found to be the most useful are random reporting and the roundtable. These methods have all students participating equally and not able to â€Å"slack off† when working in a group. All students must be ready to answer and pay attention fully in order to be successful in the lesson. There are certain ways of going about teaching math that will make it interesting for students. Finding a way to grasp a student’s attention and relate the subject matter to their lives would make the class more enjoyable. This leads into my belief of what a good teacher is.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Child Discipline

Forms of Discipline: What is best for the child? Children are like flowers, if well taken care of they will bloom. If ignored or tortured, they will wither and die. Child discipline is one of the most important elements of successful parenting. Today, many people have this notion that physical abuse is in no way a solution to helping children discern between right and wrong. Since generations children have been taught the art of discipline through physical punishment.Often this approach to disciplining has resulted in two outcomes, one is where the child becomes more tolerant and is willing to adhere to what he/she has been told, or the other which more often results in children developing a sense of anguish and desire to revolt. Physical punishment often destroys the psychological mindset of a child and can scar his/her childhood, resulting in them to grow up to be particularly irritable and frustrated individuals. Over the decades we have seen that fewer and fewer parents are resor ting to this sort of method of violence to discipline their children.However contradictory to all that has been stated, I believe that sometimes parents are caught in a situation when children cross all boundaries of discipline and spanking is the only effective solution. Therefore, it is imperative to do so. Nonetheless, before spanking is even taken into consideration; all the other non-violent forms of discipline should be used. If none work then finally the act of spanking can be justifiable. The act of spanking is not merely a punishment that should be conducted on a whim by parents; there must be reasoning and evidence of a clear sort of rebellion or revolt that requires such treatment.However in such a situation I am of the firm belief that dialogue or discussion is not the option that will placate the issue in the long run. I feel this approach may only last for a short period of time until the child feels that his or her parents have forgotten the issue and will once again go back on the same path. A spanking advocate says, â€Å"I don't think it hurt me, in fact, it helped me in the long-run. It made me look at consequences, things kids don't normally think about. I was always told, ‘Listen, or you'll have to feel it. I listened when I was told, and now, I'm grateful I was raised like that because I feel now I am much more respectful to my peers and my elders especially. † Thus, the act of a spanking induces a fear, a fear that is necessary for children to experience, as it is this fear that rings in a child’s mind when he or she is on the verge of pursuing a mistake he or she is aware is wrong. When a child is noncompliant, I agree that a spanking is desirable by any parent, however spanking works best when followed by a serene conversation with the child about why was he/she spanked.There are many parents today who do not know how to use this disciplinary action on their children. They usually end up excising too much or too lit tle control over their child without giving them a suitable reasoning. A ‘Fact sheet from the Rocky Mountain Family council’ states that â€Å"pairing reasoning with a spanking in the toddler years delayed misbehavior longer than did either reasoning or spanking alone. Reasoning linked with a spank was also more effective compared with other discipline methods. Talking with the child about what behavior is expected and why-with the potential of a follow-up spank-worked best. Hence, Spank a child only when necessary and in conjunction with reasoning and other forms of discipline. Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from it the more plausible it seems. Being raised in a traditional Indian family, I have been exposed to all forms of disciplines depending on the situation. As a child, I was spanked when I did something wrong. Being spanked taught me respect and kept me in line. The way my parents disciplined me is an accepted method of punishment back home. It is only today that I understand the importance of what they did.Just as my parents did not have the intention to physically abuse me, the entire concept of spanking too is not directed towards hurting the child, it is more of a lesson taught to make the child realize his/her mistake. Hence, there needs to be a limit to how much parents can spank their kids. If the act is carried out on a daily basis, there are higher chances of the kid behaving inappropriately behind closed doors. At the end of the day these kids get so frustrated of being spanked everyday that they end up doing unnecessary things such as lying, cheating, bullying other people behind their parents backs.Research by Murray Straus, a Co-Director at the Family Research Laboratory at the University of Durham,  indicated that â€Å"frequent spanking (three or more times a week) of children 6 to 9 years old, tracked over a period of two years, increased a child's antisocial behaviour, measured in activities l ike cheating, bullying, or lying†. Hence, it is important for the parents to learn which behaviours deserve a spanking. For instance, spilling water, making noise, wetting-pants are normal behaviours all children tend to pick. They do not need to be spanked as these are all age-appropriate behaviours.A key concept of discipline is to identify the behaviour that is typical for the age of the child. Based on the behaviour, parents can then take appropriate actions. For instance, Lisa Berlin, research scientist at the Centre for Child and Family Policy at Duke University says, â€Å"We're talking about infants and toddlers, and I think that just, cognitively, they just don't understand enough about right or wrong or punishment to benefit from being spanked,†Ã‚  As Berlin states, it is pointless to spank an infant, however as children grow older and begin to understand the severity of the punishment, a spanking is desirable.Today, there is a common misconception that spanki ng is a form of child abuse. Some parents are actually afraid to discipline their own children using the same method used for their own upbringing. Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a correct way to spank your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my objective is to show that there is a fine line between the two terms Spanking and Child abuse. A Cambridge Dictionary states that Child Abuse occurs â€Å"when adults intentionally treat children in a cruel or violent way. On the other hand, Spanking in the same dictionary means â€Å"to hit a child with the hand, usually several times on the bottom as a punishment. † In this way, the line between the two can be drawn where too much spanking results in bruises and scars on the child. Therefore, parents should not spank their children when they are angry themselves as the spank would turn out to be an unintentional smack. When this occurs, parents tend to accidently take out their frustration on the child.Primarily, this is when Spanking, a form of discipline, starts drifting towards the entire concept of ‘child abuse’. However, this misconception has led to many unwanted situations where parents have been sent to jail by their own children. In a general conversation with a waiter at IHOP in Charlottesville, I got to know that he spanked his child twice due to confidential reasons and the child sent his dad, Greg, to the court. In this way, mild spanking is an essential tool to bring the child on the right path of success.A pro-spanker, Leeanne, mother to three children says â€Å"I gave a spanking (more like a weak handed swatting) on the butt when my children were small a couple of times†¦. after that, just a warning and a look was all they needed to keep in line, because they knew they didn't want one. All three of my children have told me that they are ashamed of their generation and each have thanked me, at one point or another for tho se little spanks. (Again, I don't mean pain†¦ just attention getting and disapproval of their behaviour). †Ã‚  As claimed by her, I too believe that spanking causes no harm on the child.It is just the way the parent does it. Love your children more than you spank them. At the end of the day, that is all what a child needs in life. Other than that, I also carried out my own survey for this essay where I asked fifteen friends their opinion on spanking. Each of them said that they have been spanked in at least one circumstance. They all agreed that it is proper to discipline in this way. It is only now after coming to UVA and being so successful they have realized the importance of the punishments their parents used to give them.When I asked them at what occasions did they get spanked, one said, â€Å"I have done a lot of silly things in life that my parents have disapproved, they believe that not all negative behaviours require a spanking; but spanking is their number one choice when all other methods of discipline fail. † Life is all about making decisions, taking risks and then finally facing their consequences. Hence, their parents took the risk and landed on the safe end where their children are reaching the pinnacle of success.As stated, spanking shouldn’t be the only form of discipline used on children. Parents need to take into account all the other forms as well to teach their children right from wrong. Parents can inculcate discipline in their child by showing discontent to the unsuitable behaviour of the child. This usually has a lasting effect as they know that if they do it again their parents will be disappointed, which is usually harder to deal with. This type of punishment only gives you more of a guilt feeling and it remains till you are in good terms with your parents again.When parents give that silent treatment, it becomes very hard to live in the same house where parents are not in talking terms with their kids. Scold ing is another form which is widely used all over the world. If it becomes an everyday situation then it may lessen the effect on the child. The child may start considering this as a normal act for parents to shout at him/her and will start ignoring them. The aim of the parents to teach the kid a lesson and make sure he/she does not make the same mistake again would fail.However, if scolding is the only process used then parents need to also praise their children when they do something good as well. In this way, scolding and  praising should be balanced so that children understand the entire concept properly. Another very effective form of discipline is ‘Time-Out’. This is mainly used on young children. â€Å"A  time-out  involves temporarily separating a child from an environment where inappropriate behaviour has occurred, and is intended to give an over-excited child time to calm down. †Ã‚  This method can be very effectual if carried out appropriately.To o much of something doesn’t attain the goal it is looking for. Similarly, excessive scolding or use of time-out does not have the same effect on the child as a one or two time would. For example, a child throwing a tantrum can be put in time-out for him/her to calm down. After that, parents need to make sure they kindly explain the kid that whatever he/she did is not acceptable in society. Even in this case, age matters as a one year old cannot be asked to sit and listen to a long lecture as they do not have long attention spans.An American mother stated Once the child gets older and as they start experiencing the real world, parents tend teach them a lesson by withholding privileges. When they reach a certain age i. e. when they are in grade 5-6, they start to differentiate precisely between family and friends. Sometimes as they enter the teenage world, they begin to value friends over family. At this point, parents know that their kids are growing and might go on the wrong path if not taught a lesson at the right time. Hence, some of the techniques such as ‘if they come home later than expected then take away what they love the most’ are used.For example, if you come home late, you will not be allowed to watch TV for two days. This is usually used once the child is old enough to understand. In this way, as they grow older they learn how to make thoughtful decisions. A balanced approach should be used in order to raise the child in the right manner. By ‘balanced’, I mean that parents should spank their children only to a certain extent primarily depending on their age and the type of mistake committed by the child. Spanking along with other forms of discipline should be used in order to make the child realize his/her mistakes in life. Child Discipline GOALS OF EFFECTIVE DISCIPLINE Discipline is the structure that helps the child fit into the real world happily and effectively. It is the foundation for the development of the child’s own self-discipline. Effective and positive discipline is about teaching and guiding children, not just forcing them to obey. As with all other interventions aimed at pointing out unacceptable behavior, the child should always know that the parent loves and supports him or her. Trust between parent and child should be maintained and constantly built upon.Parenting is the task of raising children and providing them with the necessary material and emotional care to further their physical, emotional, cognitive and social development. Disciplining children is one of the most important yet difficult responsibilities of parenting, and there are no shortcuts. The physician must stress that teaching about limits and acceptable behavior takes time and a great deal of energy. The hurried pace of today†™s society can be an obstacle to effective discipline. The goal of effective discipline is to foster acceptable and appropriate behaviour in the child and to raise emotionally mature adults.A disciplined person is able to postpone pleasure, is considerate of the needs of others, is assertive without being aggressive or hostile, and can tolerate discomfort when necessary. The foundation of effective discipline is respect. The child should be able to respect the parent’s authority and also the rights of others. Inconsistency in applying discipline will not help a child respect his or her parents. Harsh discipline such as humiliation (verbal abuse, shouting, name-calling) will also make it hard for the child to respect and trust the parent.Thus, effective discipline means discipline applied with mutual respect in a firm, fair, reasonable and consistent way. The goal is to protect the child from danger, help the child learn self-discipline, and develop a healthy conscience and an internal sense of responsibility and control. It should also instill values. One of the major obstacles to achieving these goals is inconsistency, which will confuse any child, regardless of developmental age. It can be particularly hard for parents to be consistent role models. Telling children to â€Å"Do as I say, but not as I do† does not achieve effective discipline.Parental disagreements about child-rearing techniques, as well as cultural differences between parents, often result in inconsistent disciplining methods. The physician needs to be mindful of these challenges and suggest steps that parents can take to resolve these differences (1). It is important that in teaching effective discipline, physicians do not impose their own agendas on the families they counsel. A balanced, objective view should be used to provide resources, and the goal should be to remain objective. This means using principles supported by academic, peer-reviewed literature.This is particular ly important when dealing with controversial issues such as disciplinary spanking. MEANINGS: Discipline means obedience to a superior authority. Accepting the norms of the family, society, the commands of elders and obeying them is also discipline. Discipline means accepting punishments for violation. Discipline also means training of mind and character, developing self-control and the habit of obedience. In the entire universe, there is an order and discipline. The stars, the planets, the earth on which we live, the moon and the sun we see, move according to a system of discipline.We can see that plants, insects, birds and animals too observe discipline in their lives, only man who has a thinking mind finds it difficult to observe discipline. Discipline could be divided into two broad categories, external and internal. External discipline is that which is imposed by outside authority. It is often linked with authority and force. Discipline in the army is one such. Soldiers do not h ave a say in it except implicit obedience. As Tennyson says â€Å"Theirs not to make reply. There’s not to reason why, theirs nut to do and die†.A soldier in a war field cannot ask for reasons. He has to obey commands; otherwise, the war is lost. Our ancient educational system believed in enforcing discipline by force. They used to say, if you spare the rod you will spoil the child. But that view is not correct. It will produce only negative results. That is why discipline has taken a new shape in schools and colleges now. It is call self-discipline. It is discipline by acceptance, not by imposition. We live in a democracy. Democracy is based on the will of majority of its citizens.It has to be accepted and obeyed. Otherwise democracy loses its meaning and leads to anarchy. Family customs and traditions, laws of the society, and moral and spiritual laws of the religion are all to be obeyed. That is discipline. Discipline demands obedience to commands fro leaders, respe ct for women, devotion to god etc. Though discipline starts at home, there is much more need for it in schools. Schools are nursing places for various virtues and values. Discipline in the classroom, on the playground and elsewhere in the school is all important.Force has no place in student discipline. Teachers are to be first disciplined, so one, who cannot control oneself, cannot control others. Students emulate teachers in all ways. It is more so in the matter of discipline. They observe discipline by acceptance not by force. Some argue that discipline limits freedom and that also kills the man’s initiative. This is a wrong view. Indiscipline cannot bring order of growth. Self-discipline or discipline by acceptance is self-control. One controls his emotions and desires and gives room to listen to other’s points of views.Man has many desires and impulses. If they are allowed free play without discipline, it will end in chaos. Nature and society are best disciplinari ans. Violate their laws, and you are in for punishment. Put your finger in fire. It burns, no matter who you are. There we learn discipline by experience. That is why Gandhi has rightly said that discipline is learning in adversity. It is therefore necessary that, if you wish to achieve anything enduring in life, you have to be first disciplined in life. Lack of discipline is like a ship without a rudder. Child Discipline Forms of Discipline: What is best for the child? Children are like flowers, if well taken care of they will bloom. If ignored or tortured, they will wither and die. Child discipline is one of the most important elements of successful parenting. Today, many people have this notion that physical abuse is in no way a solution to helping children discern between right and wrong. Since generations children have been taught the art of discipline through physical punishment.Often this approach to disciplining has resulted in two outcomes, one is where the child becomes more tolerant and is willing to adhere to what he/she has been told, or the other which more often results in children developing a sense of anguish and desire to revolt. Physical punishment often destroys the psychological mindset of a child and can scar his/her childhood, resulting in them to grow up to be particularly irritable and frustrated individuals. Over the decades we have seen that fewer and fewer parents are resor ting to this sort of method of violence to discipline their children.However contradictory to all that has been stated, I believe that sometimes parents are caught in a situation when children cross all boundaries of discipline and spanking is the only effective solution. Therefore, it is imperative to do so. Nonetheless, before spanking is even taken into consideration; all the other non-violent forms of discipline should be used. If none work then finally the act of spanking can be justifiable. The act of spanking is not merely a punishment that should be conducted on a whim by parents; there must be reasoning and evidence of a clear sort of rebellion or revolt that requires such treatment.However in such a situation I am of the firm belief that dialogue or discussion is not the option that will placate the issue in the long run. I feel this approach may only last for a short period of time until the child feels that his or her parents have forgotten the issue and will once again go back on the same path. A spanking advocate says, â€Å"I don't think it hurt me, in fact, it helped me in the long-run. It made me look at consequences, things kids don't normally think about. I was always told, ‘Listen, or you'll have to feel it. I listened when I was told, and now, I'm grateful I was raised like that because I feel now I am much more respectful to my peers and my elders especially. † Thus, the act of a spanking induces a fear, a fear that is necessary for children to experience, as it is this fear that rings in a child’s mind when he or she is on the verge of pursuing a mistake he or she is aware is wrong. When a child is noncompliant, I agree that a spanking is desirable by any parent, however spanking works best when followed by a serene conversation with the child about why was he/she spanked.There are many parents today who do not know how to use this disciplinary action on their children. They usually end up excising too much or too lit tle control over their child without giving them a suitable reasoning. A ‘Fact sheet from the Rocky Mountain Family council’ states that â€Å"pairing reasoning with a spanking in the toddler years delayed misbehavior longer than did either reasoning or spanking alone. Reasoning linked with a spank was also more effective compared with other discipline methods. Talking with the child about what behavior is expected and why-with the potential of a follow-up spank-worked best. Hence, Spank a child only when necessary and in conjunction with reasoning and other forms of discipline. Reality is a question of perspective; the further you get from it the more plausible it seems. Being raised in a traditional Indian family, I have been exposed to all forms of disciplines depending on the situation. As a child, I was spanked when I did something wrong. Being spanked taught me respect and kept me in line. The way my parents disciplined me is an accepted method of punishment back home. It is only today that I understand the importance of what they did.Just as my parents did not have the intention to physically abuse me, the entire concept of spanking too is not directed towards hurting the child, it is more of a lesson taught to make the child realize his/her mistake. Hence, there needs to be a limit to how much parents can spank their kids. If the act is carried out on a daily basis, there are higher chances of the kid behaving inappropriately behind closed doors. At the end of the day these kids get so frustrated of being spanked everyday that they end up doing unnecessary things such as lying, cheating, bullying other people behind their parents backs.Research by Murray Straus, a Co-Director at the Family Research Laboratory at the University of Durham,  indicated that â€Å"frequent spanking (three or more times a week) of children 6 to 9 years old, tracked over a period of two years, increased a child's antisocial behaviour, measured in activities l ike cheating, bullying, or lying†. Hence, it is important for the parents to learn which behaviours deserve a spanking. For instance, spilling water, making noise, wetting-pants are normal behaviours all children tend to pick. They do not need to be spanked as these are all age-appropriate behaviours.A key concept of discipline is to identify the behaviour that is typical for the age of the child. Based on the behaviour, parents can then take appropriate actions. For instance, Lisa Berlin, research scientist at the Centre for Child and Family Policy at Duke University says, â€Å"We're talking about infants and toddlers, and I think that just, cognitively, they just don't understand enough about right or wrong or punishment to benefit from being spanked,†Ã‚  As Berlin states, it is pointless to spank an infant, however as children grow older and begin to understand the severity of the punishment, a spanking is desirable.Today, there is a common misconception that spanki ng is a form of child abuse. Some parents are actually afraid to discipline their own children using the same method used for their own upbringing. Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a correct way to spank your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my objective is to show that there is a fine line between the two terms Spanking and Child abuse. A Cambridge Dictionary states that Child Abuse occurs â€Å"when adults intentionally treat children in a cruel or violent way. On the other hand, Spanking in the same dictionary means â€Å"to hit a child with the hand, usually several times on the bottom as a punishment. † In this way, the line between the two can be drawn where too much spanking results in bruises and scars on the child. Therefore, parents should not spank their children when they are angry themselves as the spank would turn out to be an unintentional smack. When this occurs, parents tend to accidently take out their frustration on the child.Primarily, this is when Spanking, a form of discipline, starts drifting towards the entire concept of ‘child abuse’. However, this misconception has led to many unwanted situations where parents have been sent to jail by their own children. In a general conversation with a waiter at IHOP in Charlottesville, I got to know that he spanked his child twice due to confidential reasons and the child sent his dad, Greg, to the court. In this way, mild spanking is an essential tool to bring the child on the right path of success.A pro-spanker, Leeanne, mother to three children says â€Å"I gave a spanking (more like a weak handed swatting) on the butt when my children were small a couple of times†¦. after that, just a warning and a look was all they needed to keep in line, because they knew they didn't want one. All three of my children have told me that they are ashamed of their generation and each have thanked me, at one point or another for tho se little spanks. (Again, I don't mean pain†¦ just attention getting and disapproval of their behaviour). †Ã‚  As claimed by her, I too believe that spanking causes no harm on the child.It is just the way the parent does it. Love your children more than you spank them. At the end of the day, that is all what a child needs in life. Other than that, I also carried out my own survey for this essay where I asked fifteen friends their opinion on spanking. Each of them said that they have been spanked in at least one circumstance. They all agreed that it is proper to discipline in this way. It is only now after coming to UVA and being so successful they have realized the importance of the punishments their parents used to give them.When I asked them at what occasions did they get spanked, one said, â€Å"I have done a lot of silly things in life that my parents have disapproved, they believe that not all negative behaviours require a spanking; but spanking is their number one choice when all other methods of discipline fail. † Life is all about making decisions, taking risks and then finally facing their consequences. Hence, their parents took the risk and landed on the safe end where their children are reaching the pinnacle of success.As stated, spanking shouldn’t be the only form of discipline used on children. Parents need to take into account all the other forms as well to teach their children right from wrong. Parents can inculcate discipline in their child by showing discontent to the unsuitable behaviour of the child. This usually has a lasting effect as they know that if they do it again their parents will be disappointed, which is usually harder to deal with. This type of punishment only gives you more of a guilt feeling and it remains till you are in good terms with your parents again.When parents give that silent treatment, it becomes very hard to live in the same house where parents are not in talking terms with their kids. Scold ing is another form which is widely used all over the world. If it becomes an everyday situation then it may lessen the effect on the child. The child may start considering this as a normal act for parents to shout at him/her and will start ignoring them. The aim of the parents to teach the kid a lesson and make sure he/she does not make the same mistake again would fail.However, if scolding is the only process used then parents need to also praise their children when they do something good as well. In this way, scolding and  praising should be balanced so that children understand the entire concept properly. Another very effective form of discipline is ‘Time-Out’. This is mainly used on young children. â€Å"A  time-out  involves temporarily separating a child from an environment where inappropriate behaviour has occurred, and is intended to give an over-excited child time to calm down. †Ã‚  This method can be very effectual if carried out appropriately.To o much of something doesn’t attain the goal it is looking for. Similarly, excessive scolding or use of time-out does not have the same effect on the child as a one or two time would. For example, a child throwing a tantrum can be put in time-out for him/her to calm down. After that, parents need to make sure they kindly explain the kid that whatever he/she did is not acceptable in society. Even in this case, age matters as a one year old cannot be asked to sit and listen to a long lecture as they do not have long attention spans.An American mother stated Once the child gets older and as they start experiencing the real world, parents tend teach them a lesson by withholding privileges. When they reach a certain age i. e. when they are in grade 5-6, they start to differentiate precisely between family and friends. Sometimes as they enter the teenage world, they begin to value friends over family. At this point, parents know that their kids are growing and might go on the wrong path if not taught a lesson at the right time. Hence, some of the techniques such as ‘if they come home later than expected then take away what they love the most’ are used.For example, if you come home late, you will not be allowed to watch TV for two days. This is usually used once the child is old enough to understand. In this way, as they grow older they learn how to make thoughtful decisions. A balanced approach should be used in order to raise the child in the right manner. By ‘balanced’, I mean that parents should spank their children only to a certain extent primarily depending on their age and the type of mistake committed by the child. Spanking along with other forms of discipline should be used in order to make the child realize his/her mistakes in life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Motivating Middle School Boys

Motivation of Middle School Boys in Math Class Abstract Middle school is a time of physical, emotional and social change for boys. When students hit middle school, academics tend to take a back seat to all of the new activity in their lives. For boys, middle school is increasingly difficult. In addition to the physical and emotional changes, the academic curriculum becomes more challenging and rigid. This does not align with a typical boy's learning style. Many boys in middle school are struggling through hard times at home.Situations may include challenges such as little to no parental support, poverty, and malnutrition. With all of the possible circumstances disrupting their home lives, it is hard for these boys to concentrate on how to solve an equation in math class. Teachers need to motivate boys by providing relevant, hands-on curriculum. Three ways that teachers can do this is by including family members in the classroom, using friendly competition in the form of games and con tests, and by relating mathematical lessons and material to real-life situations and interests that the boys might have. IntroductionBy seventh grade, most students have had years of poor attendance, little parental support, and many other issues related to poverty. They simply do not see the importance of mathematics in everyday life and how math can lead to better things for them. Males, in particular, want to continue the lifestyle they were raised in; showing little to no effort when it comes to the math classroom. This paper discusses three reasons why mathematics teachers should incorporate meaningful motivation strategies as a tool to motivate middle school males in the mathematics classroom. Including Family in the ClassroomOne way that teachers can help to motivate boys in the middle school classroom is to include their families in the classroom. The relationship between family and school influences the academic achievement of middle school students. These family relationsh ips and parental involvement mold students’ educational development drastically. Murdock and Miller (2003) refer to family as a major influence in how middle school boys deal with learning, peers, and motivation. They state â€Å"families play the most important role in students’ lives as they transition from elementary school to middle school†.The absence of a parent can play a very important role in the success of a student, so when the student sees that there is a connection between the classroom and their family, they are motivated to succeed. Middle school math teachers should try their best to create a sense of family cohesion and teamwork in the classroom. Teachers can do this by always making sure parents are aware of what is happening in the classroom, keeping the lines of communication open, and even incorporating projects that might need the student to work with a member of their family to complete it.Haim Ginott’s theory of congruent communica tion states that teachers should always use communication that is harmonious with students’ feelings about situations (Charles, 2008). This can be applied to idea of including families in the classroom because teachers need to keep the lines of communication open not only with their students, but with their students’ families. By taking the time to talk to students about situations arising in the classroom, it will be easy for teachers to communicate with parents about similar situations and the lack of motivation within the classroom.When students know that their families are involved in their academics, they are more inclined to succeed in the classroom. Introduce Competition Next, a second way that teachers can help to motivate middle school boys while in the classroom is to include the use of different games and contests. Most boys respond well to competition with their peers. They will force one another to greater speeds, improved accuracy and higher achievement i n the name of winning. Boys thrive on competition, so any type of game or activity that allows them to go against a peer in a competitive manner will motivate them to perform.In the following quote, Conti explains why he believes that competitions in the math classroom can spark an interest in math for boys. â€Å"Mathematics competitions are probably the extracurricular academic programs with the widest participation. The most immediate value of these math contests is obvious – they pique students’ interest in mathematics and encourage them to value intellectual pursuits. Boys love games, and many will turn just about any activity into a contest, or in other words, something to get good at.Math contests thus inspire them to become good at mathematics just like sports encourage physical fitness. Eventually, students put aside the games. By then, hopefully an interest in the underlying activity has developed† (Conti, 2001). Teachers should create competitions by having students race against one another to solve math problems or turning a test review into a basketball game, allowing students to shoot a basket for every correct answer. The teacher could also place students in groups and award points based on certain behaviors and completed tasks.A prize would be awarded to the group with the highest score at the end of the week. Jacob Kounin would agree with this point based on his theory of lesson momentum and withitness. Kounin believes that classroom teachers should be able to do a multitude of things at one time, including presenting motivating and engaging lessons, managing the class, and being aware of the classroom surroundings (Charles, 2008). He states that good teachers keep students from getting bored or otherwise frustrated with lessons.By including competition in the form of games and contests in the classroom, the teacher is able to keep the boys motivated with a lesson while still controlling the needs of the class. When boys k now they have a chance to show off their skills by winning something, they will immediately become engaged and motivated to participate. Provide Connections to Real-Life Therefore, a third way that middle school math teachers can motivate boys within the classroom is to connect the material to real-life applications.Students, particularly those who come from backgrounds that undervalue education, will benefit from this strategy. Stein (1993) expressed his belief in real-world connections revolving around math lessons by stating â€Å"Because students often feel that mathematics is the subject least relevant to their daily lives, it is an important arena in which teachers can attempt to incorporate students’ funds of knowledge in the context of culturally relevant mathematics instruction†. For middle school boys, school itself is often the least important factor in their lives.Teachers can tap into their focus by relating topics to important interests in their lives. On e way for teachers to do that is to use democratic teaching; a theory of Rudolf Dreikurs. Democratic teaching occurs in a classroom in which the teacher and students work together to make decisions about how the class will function (Charles, 2008). This applies to the idea of connecting math with real-world situations. Students want to know how what they are learning will benefit them in their future lives.By brainstorming different topics and careers that the students are interested in, the teacher can then develop lessons that explain how those interests or careers are affected by mathematics. Teachers should show boys how math affects their everyday lives in areas such as: household maintenance, calculating car mileage, budgeting, making larger purchases (cars and houses), or solving problems that are important to them. Connecting math to future careers can also help to motivate boys in math class.Many unmotivated boys do not realize the importance of math for success in college or the role that math plays in careers that are not overtly math-oriented. Stein also claimed that by using problems that interest and excite the students' curiosity, students are keen to develop important problem-solving strategies. These strategies can be applied in everyday situations, not just in the mathematics classroom. Conclusion The use of meaningful and male-related motivational strategies in middle school mathematics classrooms are a great way to motivate and help boys succeed.Most boys are very intelligent when it comes to numbers and math, however it may seem â€Å"too cool† to get good grades and to apply yourself. Middle school is where students generally begin to find themselves, and a determined teacher can help to motivate students to choose the right path. A teacher’s responsibility is to make sure they have done everything in their power to help their students succeed. This means reaching out to parents, changing lessons to fit the needs of the unmo tivated students in the classroom, and changing your classroom management strategies to help engage and excite the students.With little to no parental support or guidance for many boys in the classroom, a male math teacher may be exactly what these boys need. But will these same strategies work with a female math teacher? References: Charles, C. M. (2008). Twentieth-Century Pioneers in Classroom Discipline. Building Classroom Discipline (Ninth Edition). Boston: Pearson. Conti, R. , Collins, M. A. , & Picariello, M. L. (2001). The impact of competition on intrinsic motivation and creativity: Considering gender, gender segregation nd gender role orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 31(8), 1273- 1289 Grossman, H. (2004). Classroom behavior management for diverse and inclusive schools. (3rd edition). Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. Murdock, T. , Miller, A. (2003). Teachers as Sources of Middle School Students’ Motivational Identity: Variable-Centered and Person-Ce ntered Analytic Approaches. The Elementary School Journal, 103(4), 383-399. Stein, S. L. (1993). Young's vision. The Mathematics Teacher, 86, 330-333.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Evaluating an essay in Everythings An Argument text

Evaluating an essay in Everythings An Argument text Introduction The book â€Å"Everything’s an Argument with Readings† was edited for the forth time by Keith Waters and published in December 2006. The authors of this rhetoric book are Andrea Lunsford, John Ruszkiewicz and Keith Walters. The main idea brought out to students in this book is that there must be an argument about everything. The arguments arise as a result of different ways of viewing things by different individuals. As the saying goes, â€Å"ones man’s meat is another man’s poison† so people have different views (Inness, 52).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluating an essay in Everythings An Argument text specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In evaluating an essay, a website or any other work, there are some things that must be considered. The author or authors and publisher of the work must be considered. We have to know whether the writer is qualified to do the writin g in that field. We also look at the theme of the work and how evidence has been used in the source. It is also important to look at the relevance of the work to the study that has been conducted. In evaluating a work, we look at the timeliness and the credibility of the work (Inness, 68). This book is very useful to students as it helps them to know that their environment is full of arguments and thus they ought to make their own arguments. The aim of this discussion is to evaluate the essay, â€Å"Evictions at Sorority Raise Issue of Bias† by Sam Dillon (Lunsford, Ruszkiewicz and Walters 135). Discussion The essay â€Å"Evictions at Sorority Raise Issue of Bias† by Sam Dillon is written in a simple language and in the correct procedure that makes it a suitable source of information regarding the topic. The writer also uses evidence in his writing making the book a well-researched source of information. The writer also brings out both opposing and proposing points tha t make the argument progress. The essay is relevant to the topic and the purpose of the essay is brought out well. In the essay, the argument is about the data of a survey by a psychology professor at DePauw University. In the survey, the daughters of Delta Zeta were categorized into two groups, the daddy’s little princesses and the off-beat hippies meaning the chubby girls and the slender girls. 35 members of DePauw were interviewed on their dedication to recruitment (Lunsford, Ruszkiewicz and Walters 34). After the interview, 23 of the girls were told to vacate the sorority house. It was found that all the girls told to vacate were overweight and they were black. It was also found that the same girls were from Korea or Vietnam. The rest of the twelve girls who remained in house were slender and they were light skinned. The twelve girls were popular and social to the men in the fraternity too. Unfortunately, six of the twelve remaining girls opted to quit due to pressure and the unfair treatment (Inness, 82). These biased evictions resulted into many arguments that brought about deeper feelings to some (Lunsford, Ruszkiewicz and Walters 13). Ms. Holloway, a senior who had withdrawn from the department, was very bitter about this and pointed out the process was unfair because it meant that the overweight were not needed. The overweight were being rendered useless as Holloway puts it in her argument. Many people were annoyed by the argument.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Despite the many who were opposing this, some people were seen to propose the same. Some people said that the university was private and therefore they were free to decide what to do without consulting the government or any other department concerned with the same. Some observers also argued that the chubby girls were known to be stupid and thick. This was a stereotype that cou ld have advocated for the evictions. This meant that chubby girls could not qualify to be in Universities and they therefore had to be evicted. Some proposers of the evictions said that University was only to keep beautiful and slender girls who could party and not the chubby girls. As many people grew angry because of this, the ones who supported it were seen to be at the front. This turned to a serious argument that involved many Greeks (Inness, 27). Many of those who opposed this argued that Universities were places of learning and not for socialization and beauty. They said that the girls should have been helped to regain their body sizes and not to expel them from the University. This could also mean that the chubby people will be evicted from the country if the government does not take the necessary actions. Some could not accept this and they said that private Universities were to make their own rules and the chubby girls should join the public Universities. This was also und erstood by some to mean that the chubby were not allowed to be wealthy. When they are denied education, then it means they have to struggle to get their daily living. In addition, people are supposed to use their brains at work and not their body sizes. Thus, people are employed according to their level of education and not the size of their bodies. The president opposed this and he wrote a two page letter condemning the action. He said that this was against the laws of the nation and all people were supposed to be accorded same and fair treatment. At this point, the Dean of the University Cynthia Babington received many calls from parents and stakeholders condemning the evictions. The girls who remained in hostage were also very annoyed and Joanna Kieschnick, one of those remained, said that she could not stay and watch this happen (Inness, 82). Conclusion It can be inferred from the evaluation of this essay that this piece of writing is a good and reliable source. First, the autho r is qualified personnel making him worthy to do the writing. The author is also using evidence to prove his points, both the opposing and the proposing arguments. In any kind of argument, evidence must be included. The dean and other parties included in the essay by Sam Dillon make the essay well-researched. In arguing, the opposers and the proposers are giving reasons for the direction they have taken in the argument. The survey and the data got from it is also a reliable source of evidence as it can be proved. This could have been thought to be a small issue but due to the arguments, it became big to a point were the president had to intervene and state his position. It is therefore vey clear that everything is an argument.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluating an essay in Everythings An Argument text specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Inness, Sherrie. American women and ethnic food. New York: University of M assachusetts Press, 2001. Lunsford, Andrea, Ruszkiewicz, John and Walters, Keith. Everythings an argument with readings. 4Edn. New Jersey: Paperback, 2006.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How To Cold Pitch Your Next Guest Blogging Opportunity

How To Cold Pitch Your Next Guest Blogging Opportunity Guest blogging has had a tumultuous life cycle. Hot one day, and then cold the next–no one seems to know if they should really be guest blogging or not. Wait, didnt Matt Cutts say that it was dead? Yes, for SEO, but that doesnt mean that it is really dead, does it? Matt Cutts called it, or did he? Heres the thing.  Since the beginning, there has always been two different kinds of guest blogging. There is the lame kind that Matts Cutts has declared dead. These are the spammers, the folks that see guest blogging as a tool to build linkbacks to their website and nothing else. Let me remind you about some of the methods they use. They look like this: Free content? How could this be? These arent really guest bloggers. They are blog hijackers. Their emails are lame, their topics are weak, and the writingOh, *od the writing. Matt Cutts is right in that blog hijacking needs to be dead, but did he really have to go and throw all guest blogging into the mix? Guest Blogging Can Be Good. Right? The second kind of guest blogging, as you can imagine, is the good kind. This is the kind of guest blogging that you do. Right? (Right?) This form of guest blogging is about a lot more than a simple linkback to some sketchy site. It is about audience, respect, and the genuine sharing of information that the web has made possible. These writers appreciate a link to their blog, but it isnt why they get up in the morning. They are trying to build an audience, and blogging on someone elses blog helps them do just that. Who can blame them? This kind of guest blogging isnt dead. It is the ideal form of guest blogging, and Matt Cutts is actually saving it. How Matt Cutts Saved Guest Blogging With every good thing there is at least one bad thing that comes with it. Life is full of tradeoffs. With email, we got spam. With the browser, we got pop-ups. With Twitter, we got direct messages. For every channel that can be used for good, there is a way to abuse it and use it for something bad. There are always opportunities for spammers to spread their spam. Matt Cutts is trying to scare them off. He is doing exactly what we need him to do. Since the beginning, spammers have been using and abusing guest blogging because Google was telling them that it would help. Linkbacks were so obviously tied to search rankings, and guest blogging was an easy way to get those linkbacks. Google was, essentially, enabling them. In January, Cutts put a stop to it. He told them that rather than helping them, guest blogging was going to start hurting them. He was trying to scare spammers off, not you.   He was trying to tell you to keep going. He was secretly whispering to you guest blogging isnt really dead, I am just fixing it for you. By scaring away the riff-raff, he is creating a panacea, a solution to the endless emails promising free content for links, a solution for an endless supply of poorly written posts. The spammers will go away, and we real bloggers can finally get back to work. All I can say is thank you, Matt. Thanks for killing guest blogging so that we can finally start fresh. Learning How To Guest Blog, Again So, if the death blow from Google is really more of a starting point rather than an ending point, where should we go next? It only makes sense that we redefine the rules and learn how to guest blog all over again. Rule #1: Guest Blogging Is For Serious People The first step is to realize who guest blogging is for. No longer is it for semi-pro SEOs and link builders. Instead, it is for those who want to better establish themselves as experts in their field. It  is for bloggers who take what they do seriously, and do it for the love of creating and sharing great content. Rule #2: Guest Blogging Is For Building Your Reputation Guest gives us a chance to write in front of a new audience. This gives us the ability to earn their trust and respect directly, by appearing on a blog they already trust. If we blog well, we may be able to keep their attention over the long term on our own blog. Guest blogging isnt about SEO anymore (although  there are still benefits). Now, it is about building trust and reputation. Rule #3: Guest Blogging Is For The Audience The beauty of the guest post is that we are able to take someone elses audience and make it our own. It is the perfect give-and-take. As writers, we get attention and exposure to a new audience, and as blog owners we get fresh content that will hopefully engage and excite our audience. My own guest post about  long-form content,  over on the Spin Sucks blog,  is a great example. I was able to establish my role in content marketing while encouraging a lively debate and discussion. It was a win for everyone. Rule #4: Guest Blogging Isnt For Links If you are only worried about links back to your stuff, then guest blogging simply isnt for you. Move on. Rule #5:  Guest Blogging Should Come With Simple Expectations If we are going to be participating in guest blogging, we need to know what to realistically expect from the experience. Huge traffic? Probably not. Fame and fortune? Certainly not. Trust and value? Yes please. Guest blogging is no longer about the quick win (with super-sized links!!!!). It is now a long-term tactic. It is really about personal brand building more than anything else, and that means that we need to go into it with simple expectations instead of grandiose visions of traffic and Google juice.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Plural French Subject Pronouns Nous Vous Ils and Elles

Plural French Subject Pronouns Nous Vous Ils and Elles Before you start this lesson, I encourage you to read my Singular French Subject Pronouns lesson, or even start with introduction to French subject pronouns if you have not read it yet. Now, lets take a closer look to the plural French subject pronouns. The French Subject Pronoun for We Nous   Nous is the pronoun to use when you are talking about a group of people that includes yourself.Ex : nous regardons la teÃŒ leÃŒ  : we are watching TV. Nous is also referred to as the first person plural (premieÌ€re personne du pluriel). Pronunciation: the s of the nous is silent when followed by a consonant.Ex : Nous regardons, nous faisons, nous sommes.Nous makes a strong liaison in Z when followed by a vowel or an h ; nous ‘Z’eÃŒ tudions, nous ‘Z’habitons, nous ‘Z’utilisons. Important: in colloquial French,  « On  » is used instead of nous. The verb will agree with  « On  » (3rd person singular), but the adjectives will agree with the meaning, therefore being plural when on means we. Here is my lesson about the obscure French subject pronoun on.Ex : Anne et moi, on est brunes : Ann and I, we are brunettes. Note: other words related to nous are: notre, nos, le noÌ‚tre, la noÌ‚tre, les noÌ‚tres. The French Subject Pronoun for You Vous   Vous is the pronoun to use when you are talking to a group of people.Ex : vous regardez la teÃŒ leÃŒ  : you are watching TV   Vous is also referred to as the second person plural (deuxieÌ€me personne du pluriel). Pronunciation: the s of the vous is silent when followed by a consonant.Ex : Vous regardez, vous faites, vous parlez.Vous makes a strong liaison in Z when followed by a vowel or an h ; vous ‘Z’eÃŒ tudiez, vous ‘Z’habitez, vous ‘Z’eÌ‚tes. Important: vous may also refer to one person that you are being formal to. Like an adult you don’t know, or a business partner, or someone that is older. The verb will agree with vous (2nd person plural), but the adjectives will agree with the meaning, therefore being feminine or masculine singular. To understand this notion, you need to read my article on tu versus vous. Ex : M. le PreÃŒ sident, vous eÌ‚tes grand : Mr President, you are tall.Ex : Mme la PreÃŒ sidente, vous eÌ‚tes grande : Mrs President, you are tall. Note: other words related to vous are : votre, vos, le voÌ‚tre, la voÌ‚tre, les voÌ‚tres. The French Subject Pronoun for They Ils   Ils is the pronoun to use when you are talking about a group of people.Ex : ils regardent la teÃŒ leÃŒ  : they are watching TV. Ils is also referred to as the third person plural, masculine (troisieÌ€me personne du pluriel, masculin). Pronunciation: the S of the Ils is silent when followed by a consonant. It’s pronounced exactly as the â€Å"il† singular.Ex : ils regardent, ils font, ils sont.For a regular ER verb starting with a consonant, you cannot hear the difference between Il singular and Ils plural : il regarde (singular), ils regardent (plural). Ils (plural) makes a strong liaison in Z when followed by a vowel or an H ; ils ‘Z’habitent, ils’Z’eÃŒ tudient, ils ‘Z’utilisent. Important: ils refers to a group of people or things either all masculine, or masculine and feminine. Note: other words related to ils are : se, les, leur, leurs, le leur, la leur, les leurs.   The French Subject Pronoun for They Elles   Elles is the pronoun to use when you are talking about a group of people that are women, or feminine things.Ex : Elles regardent la teÃŒ leÃŒ  : they are watching TV (they here are only women). Pronunciation: the S of the elles is silent when followed by a consonant.Ex : elles regardent, elles font, elles parlent.For a regular ER verb starting with a consonant, you cannot hear the difference between Elle singular and Elles plural : elle regarde, elles regardent. Elles makes a strong liaison when followed by a vowel or an H ; elles ‘Z’habitent, elles’Z’eÃŒ tudient, elles ‘Z’utilisent. Important: elles refers to a group of people or things only feminine. Note : other words related to elles are : se, les, leur, leurs, le leur, la leur, les leurs.   Voil, now that you know all about the French subject pronouns, you can go to the next step and study my French Verb Introduction lesson. If you are serious about learning French, I strongly suggest you find a good French learning audio method. Written French and spoken French are like two different languages, and you need audio - and someone who can not only list the grammar points but explain them well - to conquer French. I suggest you take a look at  my own French learning method  as well as my article on the  Best French tools for the self-learning student. I post exclusive mini lessons, tips, pictures and more daily on my Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest  pages - so join me there!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Watch movie and answer question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Watch movie and answer question - Assignment Example In respect to the current food policies, they are entitled to food stamps. The food stamps are vouchers that can only be used to buy food. However, they are not endowed as the requirements stipulated. The amounts provided are insufficient to cater for their food needs and sometimes they go without food. Notable is a significant difference between what the individuals are entitled to and what they get. The gap is the primary cause of hunger for Rosie and Barbie. It is a bit difficult to identify individuals who suffer from hunger in America. This is associated with the fact that many have access to food, although not on a routine basis, but they do have a meal quite often. With such access, they do not look malnourished, which is usually an indicator of hunger. People have been depending on charitable food programs which have been forthcoming over time. Thus, they are not malnourished and becomes hard to pinpoint such people. I tend to disagree with Sen. This is simply because the famine that is being experienced in the United States has taken a different form from the traditional known form which was lack of food. The current famine being experiences in the spiraling of food prices to levels such that many cannot afford to buy. Also, poverty levels are on a high, thus even with food in stalls; people cannot afford it. The challenge of hunger is solvable. It requires the United States to make the provision of healthy and nutritious food a priority and also educate the masses on healthy eating behavior. On the long run, every citizen in the country will not only have access to food, but it will be available at low prices. Therefore, the government should implement and adopt policies that are geared towards bringing down the cost of food, making healthy and nutritious food available to all and providing food to those who cannot afford

Friday, October 18, 2019

United States of America vs Ike Brown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

United States of America vs Ike Brown - Essay Example This essay will summarize the complaints and evidence of that the Government presented against Ike Brown, his defense, as well as comment on the strangeness of this situation, that is, of the government using the voting rights act to prosecute a black man for the violation of white voter’s and candidates rights. The fundamental complaint against Ike Brown by the United States government is that he abused his position as chair of the Democratic Committee in his county to unfairly stop white voters from participating in the primary elections when they had the right to, and unfairly persecuted white candidates who were running in those elections. Some of the governments allegations simply attempted to demonstrate that Brown had a strong bias towards white candidates – this includes statements by Brown criticizing black voters who chose to vote for white candidates, and other acts of outspoken intimidation such as naming a list of white democrats who he discouraged to vote in the election. They also accused him and the committee he chaired of many procedural violations such as mis-handling the counting of absentee ballots, and allowing campaigning within and around polling stations. They also demonstrated that the elections committee violated state policy by only having about six percent of the polling officers for the Democratic primary be white, even though twenty percent of the Democratic population was white, though with a sample size as small as polling officers and a country of only about 11,000 people, it is hardly surprising this disparity could exist. A great deal of the government’s evidence thus simply tried to show that Brown had a preference for black voters, polling officers and elections officials. But the bulk of their evidence rests on absentee balloting laws, and the Government’s assertion that Brown abused absentee balloting procedure in order to both favor black candidates and prevent white voters from participating in the electoral pr ocess, as well as manipulating assisted balloting procedures to favor black candidates. Mississippi state election law has two features that are meant to make elections more accessible: absentee balloting and assisted balloting. Both have strict controls. Absentee balloting is for people who, for some reason, are not able to be present, for instance if they are in school out of state or deployed with the armed forces, but there are strict controls on what excuses allow a person to use an absentee ballot. Assisted balloting is when someone else assists the voter in filling out their ballot, which is only allowed to be done in the case of blindness, physical disability that prevents someone from being able to vote, or demonstrable illiteracy, and who have requested assistance in filling out their ballot. The US Government provided evidence that Brown violated these procedures. The Government contends that Brown accepted and actually even pursued absentee ballots from black voters who were currently living within the county and had no reason whatsoever to vote via an absentee ballot. Furthermore, they presented witness testimony that these ballots were filled by people other than the voters (assisted balloting) despite the fact that the voter was in no way disabled or illiterate and had not requested assistance in filling out their ballot. The government contended that Brown and his associates essentially filled in absentee ballots for black people who were unlikely to vote, brought the ballot in favor of a black candidate for them to authorize, and then sent it away. In some cases they

Report on Japan Base Wages Rise for First Time in Nearly Two Years and Article

Report on Japan Base Wages Rise for First Time in Nearly Two Years and how it is related to the behavior of the Japanese economy - Article Example There has not been any official overall increase in wages since the late 90’s. This means that the economy of Japan has been facing a downhill trend for almost fifteen years. Companies like Toyota and Panasonic were on board with the idea with Toyota promising a point eight increase in overall salary which has had no change since 2008 (Tabuchi 1). The GDP of Japan has had an increase rate of about one percent per annum, which is a very slow rate for a third best economy state. The move to raise the wages will have an impact overall spending nature of workers, the more the workers have to spend the faster the economy grows. Increase in wages will give a reason for consumers to spend as opposed to the earlier trend where consumers had no need to spend. The increase is a strategy to encourage consumers to let go and spend a little more than they have been in the past. Spending more will eventually lead to an increase in the Nikkei stocks exchange

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Commercial Law I (Scottish Law)- Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Commercial Law I (Scottish Law)- - Assignment Example The principal can expressly or implicitly permits the agent to perform certain tasks on his behalf which will lead to a binding contractual accord between the principal and the third party but the contract is signed by the agent. In this case, the principal will be legally bound by the actions the agency relationship which exists between agents-principals, agents-third and Principals-third parties and all the parties in the cycle are bound to the agreement, the agency cycle comprises of: Agent: this is the person who enters and performs duties and activities on behalf of the other person (the principal) with the third party and has authority to create a binding relationship or agreement between the principal and the third party. The agent negotiates, performs and enters into binding engagements on behalf of another person with the third party. Principal: This is the person who hires an agent to act on his/her capacity with the third party and is bound by the actions of the said agent in engagements with the third party. ... An agent must therefore operate within the instructions and capacity given by the principal and this will bind the principal in the contractual agreements he or she creates with the third parties which means that the law of agency is based on both implied and express terms. An agent has several duties he/she owes to the principal and must not act outside the scope or mandate provided by the principal. These duties can be summarized as below; The agent must ensure that he/she operates within the specified terms of agency agreement. If the agent ignores the directives of the principal in entering into an agreement with the third party then he/she will be held liable. The agent must therefore follow instructions given by the principal. The agent must carry out his/her duties with due diligence, skill and high level of professionalism to protect both parties from unnecessary breach of contract and subsequent compensation for the same, and this must be followed whether the agency agreemen t is written or oral. The agent must not act out of his own benefit at the expense of the principal and all dealings must protect the interest of the principal. The agency relationships to occur, all the parties must understand the terms of engagement and the roles each of the is required to play within the framework of the agreement and the agent must have intension to work for the principal, though no consideration is necessary, there must be an agreement between the principal and the agent, oral or written. This relationship can be described as below: Therefore, before the contract of agency is constituted, several essentials are mandatory: The agency agreement must be based

Ethical Position4.2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Position4.2 - Essay Example While the idea invokes personal commitment, several legal responsibilities have since been ratified to compel medical practitioners to account for their actions and behaviour in the course of duty (Chaloner, 2007). Benefits of good nursing practice to patient and society Critical evaluation of objective approach to nursing ethics suggests that the good nursing has a number abstract benefits to the patient, society and the institution. To begin with, patients often feel appreciated and respected when nurse recognize and respect their rights. A typical example is the right to informed consent where nurses provide patients with relevant clinical information and the desired outcome of a proposed intervention. Patients are then consulted to give informed consent while exercising autonomy over the choice of medical care they wish to receive. The comfort that comes with giving informed consent also makes the patient responsible for the outcome of the chosen intervention as reiterated by Gui do (2010). Secondly, particular consideration of the professional code of ethics is another important aspect of evaluating the benefits of good nursing. ... The society develops trust and confidence in healthcare facilities that have demonstrated outstanding commitment for professionalism, accountability and respect for patient needs (Cowen & Moorhead, 2011). From a different perspective, matters of confidentiality also form an integral part of the moral obligation in modern nursing practice. According to Guido (2010), nurses are required to keep all medical information of patient’s private and confidential at all times unless when there is undisputed evidence that keeping such information poses significant threat to the community. Otherwise, the knowledge that nurses might compromise the ethics of confidentiality could discourage patients from revealing pertinent details about their medical history and they can find it also difficult to confide in nurses. Such uncertainties have the potential of provoking anxiety and psychological distress among patients with sensitive health conditions which they might not want many people to kn ow about as observed by Chaloner (2007). These challenges can affect patient recovery or even worsen the condition especially in cases of mental health dilemmas. Current condition of healthcare in America As it stands today, America is a cosmopolitan society with a political, social and economic welfare statues that has been transformed by memories of struggle, tragedy and costly sacrifices aimed at America a better place for human habitation. No one is willing to see these milestones go down the drainage due to inadequate commitment to uphold excellence and professionalism across all spheres of human interaction in America. This realization is the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Commercial Law I (Scottish Law)- Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Commercial Law I (Scottish Law)- - Assignment Example The principal can expressly or implicitly permits the agent to perform certain tasks on his behalf which will lead to a binding contractual accord between the principal and the third party but the contract is signed by the agent. In this case, the principal will be legally bound by the actions the agency relationship which exists between agents-principals, agents-third and Principals-third parties and all the parties in the cycle are bound to the agreement, the agency cycle comprises of: Agent: this is the person who enters and performs duties and activities on behalf of the other person (the principal) with the third party and has authority to create a binding relationship or agreement between the principal and the third party. The agent negotiates, performs and enters into binding engagements on behalf of another person with the third party. Principal: This is the person who hires an agent to act on his/her capacity with the third party and is bound by the actions of the said agent in engagements with the third party. ... An agent must therefore operate within the instructions and capacity given by the principal and this will bind the principal in the contractual agreements he or she creates with the third parties which means that the law of agency is based on both implied and express terms. An agent has several duties he/she owes to the principal and must not act outside the scope or mandate provided by the principal. These duties can be summarized as below; The agent must ensure that he/she operates within the specified terms of agency agreement. If the agent ignores the directives of the principal in entering into an agreement with the third party then he/she will be held liable. The agent must therefore follow instructions given by the principal. The agent must carry out his/her duties with due diligence, skill and high level of professionalism to protect both parties from unnecessary breach of contract and subsequent compensation for the same, and this must be followed whether the agency agreemen t is written or oral. The agent must not act out of his own benefit at the expense of the principal and all dealings must protect the interest of the principal. The agency relationships to occur, all the parties must understand the terms of engagement and the roles each of the is required to play within the framework of the agreement and the agent must have intension to work for the principal, though no consideration is necessary, there must be an agreement between the principal and the agent, oral or written. This relationship can be described as below: Therefore, before the contract of agency is constituted, several essentials are mandatory: The agency agreement must be based

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Stanley Miller Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stanley Miller Paper - Coursework Example This is because a concentrated solution would respond better than a dilute solution with diffuse molecules. IX. Paper chromatography is a method of separation and identification of compounds. It utilizes the principle of capillarity and also solubility (to facilitate separation). Colour is often used to allow the identification of compounds. The properties include; molecular weight, structure, shape of the molecule, and the polarity of the molecule. XII. He was able to tell the presence of the amino acids by the ninhydrin indicator. For their individual discrimination, he used comparison of spot size and colour to known templates of characterized amino acids. XIII. Miller knew the total yield was in the milligram range by informed inference. Knowing that the system was closed, the total mass of reagents remained the same (gases included). By weighing the remaining fractions in the flask, and subtracting impurities by silica, he may have obtained a rough idea of the amount. That is; total mass of reagents (minus apparatus) = Amino acids mass + remaining reagents(minus impurities). It though may not be entirely accurate, as the amino acids existed in aqueous state, thus requiring the factoring in of water of dissolution. XV. His experiments did test his hypothesis. Though not accurate in the reproduction of the original setting of primitive earth, they showed that indeed it was possible that the primitive atmosphere contained the right inorganic molecules, the right conditions and the right amount of energy to produce organic molecules. XVI. A good experiment to do next would be one on synthesis of nucleotides. If amino acids could be produced, then similarly, nucleotides might also have been produced, sparking the beginning of biological

Henri Fayol Principals Essay Example for Free

Henri Fayol Principals Essay Principle 1: Division of work According to Fayol’s principle one of management, division of work, he proposed that â€Å"work can be performed more efficiently if it is divided into smaller elements and assigning specific elements to specific workers† (Rodrigues 2001, p. 880). Contrary to this principle, workers might get bored of doing the same task. For instance in a factory, work is divided into many parts where each of the worker is responsible for a specific task. Eventually these workers will be proficient in their job, where it will become a routine work. However, if they were to continue to perform the same routine task over a very long period of time, they might lose interest or become too complacent. They are not being challenged or made to encounter new or different situations during the job. Thus, this does not create opportunities for them to develop new skills. Employees need to be exposed to job opportunities so that they will be able to pick up new skills, and not just focusing on a specific task. If these employees are given the opportunity to develop new skills, it will give them a sense of importance and belonging in the organisation, and these new knowledge will inspire and motivate them to be more engaged and have a better understanding in their work. Every employees would seize it as an opportunity whenever they face challenges (McGregor Harpaz, cited in Rodrigues 2011, p. 881). Therefore, organisation should come out with methods and tools that are able to increase the opportunities and challenges of the employees (Schmitt, Zacher de Lange 2013, p. 516). To support this, employers can provide workshops and trainings for employees to broaden their skills and specializations. This will also open up the employees’ room for professional development. For example, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, WDA encourages employees, professionals, managers and executives to upgrade and build up on their skills through skills-based trainings (Singapore Workforce Development Agency 2012). Opportunities given to employees at work will allow them to learn and gain more skills and knowledge. In addition, this will also boost up their growth and confidence level in their work as they are empowered with multi responsibilities. In the presence of job enrichment, employees are able to deepen their job responsibilities and have control over their work (Dickie Dickie 2 011, p. 71). Job enrichment will benefit the organisation as it will reduce the number of absenteeism, turnover  intentions and social loafing while increase employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and individual productivity (Davoudi 2013, p. 107). In other words, organisation should encourage and send their employees for skills upgrading to stretch their capabilities. In contrast to Fayol’s understanding that an employee doing one task will increase their efficiency, employee that have more than one skill will benefit the organisation as their knowledge has become greater than before. Another disadvantage to this principle in this 21st century context is the impact of technology whereby machines has taken over some but not all, specialised jobs (Rodrigues 2001, pp. 880-881). Back to the factory example; then people were hired to do manufacturing jobs such as assembling cars. Each worker was given a specific task to assemble a car, but now these tasks are carried out by robots, where they are able to do more than one task (John Markoff 2012). As a result these workers might lose their jobs. Thus this principle, to a certain extent, it may not be relevant today. There are still organisations who practice this principle, but with the fast moving technology and employees who are eager to learn, it might not apply to this day. ? The managers have the power to instruct their employees to perform work that they give. Thus in this principle, managers give their employee rights (authority) and let them be responsible to complete the task (responsibility) that is being delegated to them (Bushardt et al. 2010, p. 9). In this context, it shows that the manager’s role is authoritative, which makes the subordinates have to follow the manager’s instructions (Cheng 2004, p. 91). Managers must stay in mind that they must have a shared understanding with their employees when they assign the task to them (Miles, cited in Evans et al. 2013, p. 24). They must take in consideration not to misuse their authoritative power to the extent that their employees have no choice nor say when their managers delegate the task to them. When the manager and the employee have a common goal, it will open up opportunities for employees to share opinions and make decisions to accomplish the required task. This also allows the managers to understand their employees and get engaged with them. In support of this, managers need to be a good example to their employees so that they will feel inspired and motivated to reach their organisational goals. Hence, managers have to be a transformational leader by moving their team forward to inspire and motivate them (Warrick 2011, p. 12). Whenever someone thinks of a leader, he will associate them with acquiring power, influence and authority (Dickie Dickie 2011, p. 83). One can have power and authority, but only a few are able to influence, inspire and motivate their employees. Fig 1.1 Leader behaviour continuum (Tannenbaum Schmidt, cited in Dickie Dickie 2011, p. 87) The two-dimensional model in fig 1.1 explains that managers’ role of authoritativeness and sub-ordinates empowerment has to be balanced between managers and the employees. Employees are able to participate in the decision making by voicing out their ideas to their managers. Managers can then make a decision based on this shared understanding (Tannenbaum Schmidt 1973). Hence, employees are given the permission to complete the given task which was based on a clear and discussed understanding with the manager. In contrast of Fayol’s perspective, delegation of work to the employees should be tasked responsibly with a shared understanding. Thus, employees will feel that their role in the organisation is worthy and  trusted. References Davoudi, SMM 2013, Impact: Job Enrichment in Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, p. 107, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 November 2013. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 71. Rodrigues, CA 2001, ‘Fayol’s 14 principles of management then and now: A framework for managing today’s organizations effectively’, Management Decision, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 880-889. Schmitt, A, Zacher, H de Lange, AH 2013, ‘Focus on opportunities as a boundary condition of the relationship between job control and work engagement: A multi-sample, multi-method study’, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 516, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 December 2013. Singapore Workforce Development Agency 2012, About WDA, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, viewed 12 January 2014, . John Markoff 2012, Skilled Wo rk, Without the Worker, New York Times, viewed 12 January 2014, . ? Principle 2: Authority and responsibility Bushardt, SC, Glascoff, DW, Doty, DH, Frank, M Burke, F 2010, ‘Delegation, Authority and Responsibility: A reconfiguration of an old paradigm’, Advances in Management, vol. 3, no. 9, p. 9. Cheng, BS, Chou, LF, Wu, TY, Huang, MP Farh, JL 2004, Paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 91. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 83. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 87. Evans, WR, Haden, SSP, Clayton, RW Novicevic, MM 2013, ‘History-of-management thought about social responsibility’, Journal of Management History, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 24. Tannenbaum, R Schmidt, WH 1973, ‘How to choose a leadership pattern’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 164. Warrick, DD 2011, ‘The urgent need fo r skilled transformational leaders: integrating transformational leadership and organization development’, Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 12. ?