Saturday, December 28, 2019

Scientific Management in Mcdonalds Operation - 1820 Words

This is an essay about scientific management in McDonald’s operation, I believe the largest fast food McDonald’s is the most successful model on scientific management. Scientific management is a branch of classical approach; Taylor said scientific management is standardisation which means people in organization should be uniformed by company rules or policy which are some written documents. Scientific management is a very important part in management area, since look at the history of management. People are living in different groups such as school, factory, hospital and company etc. If there is no group to organize people’s life, then our society won’t be developed so far. But only organize people is not enough, we also need to manage†¦show more content†¦The big saving is also the profits for the organization. In other way, this improves the efficiency of the achievement. Every organization has its own policy and procedures; they are standardising and consisting the company by these policies and procedures. Policy and procedure are some written documents. Organize a small group may use people management, since there is a certain size to limit; however, if only use people management to manage large company like McDonald’s won’t be that easy. Scientific management will be perfectly suit large organization; McDonald’s is the most successful case in the management world. McDonald’s regulate each product in certain cooking time, for example, 3 minutes for fries, chicken patty for 100 seconds, 9 pieces 10:1 patties each grill, and 6 for 4:1 patty. So every crew in McDonald’s learning all these procedures by doing their job. Each of them follows the procedure and supervisor’s instruction to make sure keeping the same standard of McDonald’s all around the world. The result of the costing price dropped with a h uge number since people clearly follows the procedure; so today custom can enjoy the same quality of service at any McDonald’s in the world. People like making decision by their feelings, however, intuitions are notShow MoreRelatedManagement Theories of Mcdonalds Essay1212 Words   |  5 PagesManagement Theories Implemented by McDonald’s McDonald’s demonstrates many different aspects of classical management, including aspects of Frederick Taylor’s scientific management and Henri Fayol’s management principles. McDonald’s also displays how their management styles compares to their competition and how it has led to an effective organization. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Nietzsche versus Gandhi Essay - 1378 Words

Friedrich Nietzsche and Mahatma Gandhi, two mammoth political figures of their time, attack the current trend of society. Their individual philosophies and concepts suggest a fundamental problem: if civilization is so diseased, can we overcome this state of society and the sickness that plagues the minds of the masses in order to advance? Gandhi and Nietzsche attain to answer the same proposition of sickness within civilization, and although the topic of unrest among both may be dissimilar, they have parallel means of finding a cure to such an illness as the one that plagues society. Nietzsche’s vision of spiritual health correlates directly with Gandhi’s image of industrialism and the self-sufficiency. This correlation prevails by†¦show more content†¦Gandhi claims that â€Å"passive resistance, that is soul force, is matchless†¦ How then can it be considered a weapon of the weak?† (Gandhi 49) By Gandhi’s standards, it cannot be conside red weak if standing up against laws that are disliked; those that are truly weak attempt to find the answer behind brute force. Gandhi claims that â€Å"passive resistance cannot proceed a step without fearlessness† and strength of mind. By this standard, brute force, not passive resistance contributes to the sickness of civilization by being void of mental strength. The professional occupations of man contribute to the spiritual sickness of civilization. Nietzsche isolates the priests as the â€Å"most evil enemies† stating that their hatred is both â€Å"spiritual and poisonous† (Nietzsche 33). The reason for such a lustrous claim is that Nietzsche believes that priests are responsible for influencing the decisions of the general public, brainwashing the masses to blindly believe church doctrine. Nietzsche accuses the priests and Jewish population of creating a â€Å"radical revaluation of their enemies’ values, that is to say, an act of the most spiritual revenge† (Nietzsche 33-34). By reshaping and convincing the masses to believe as the church believes; the priests are contributing to the sickness of civilization. According to Nietzsche, priests do not allow people to think on their own and therefore lull them into a mindless state of blind acceptance. The sickness of civilization, asShow MoreRelatedNietzsch e and Gandhi, Society1414 Words   |  6 PagesFriedrich Nietzsche and Mahatma Gandhi, two mammoth political figures of their time, attack the current trend of society. Their individual philosophies and concepts suggest a fundamental problem: if civilization is so diseased, can we overcome this state of society and the sickness that plagues the minds of the masses in order to advance? Gandhi and Nietzsche attain to answer the same proposition of sickness within civilization, and although the topic of unrest among both may be dissimilar, theyRead MoreGodards Breathless Essay Questions1553 Words   |  7 PagesVanishree Gandhi Godard’s Breathless 4. In a world where there are no ultimate reasons for action, how does Michel find freedom to act and to live creatively? Why does Patricia, who shares Michel’s nihilistic world-view, draw the opposite conclusion from it? Why is she only capable of negative freedom expressed as independence in the course of the film? In the movie Breathless, written and produced by Jean-Luc Godard, is a French film about a thief named Michel Poiccard, who spends his time in Paris

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Targeting Newspapers and Efficiency †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Targeting Newspapers and Efficiency. Answer: Introduction: A market entry is a strategy which has been planned by organization regarding delivering services or goods in target market. It is an element to enter in a new market or manage contracts. Segmentation, targeting and positioning is considered as strategic approach in modern marketing. The model of STP is useful when building marketing communications plans since it facilitates to market developers to get engaged with audience and deliver products and services to them. The DV8 Leather Company is the Australia Company. It deals with supplying and manufacturing leather. It is the company which has been provided its services outline. It is the company that launching its products to the market of Australia and along with that it tries to penetrate the worlds international market. It is the new technology for selling of leather vests, therefore it is necessary for DV8 Company to make plan before entering into new market. There are number of ways in which company can enter in foreign market to do business. There are number of market entry options such as licensing, joint venturing, franchising, outsourcing, acquisition, direct exporting, global partnering, piggybacking, turnkey projects or buying a company. These options are regarding market entry options. It is important for the leather company to analyze the market options in a perfect manner before applying any marketing strategy option (Mooij, 2013). It has been evaluated that among market entry options, direct exporting will be effective for DV8 Leather Company. It is not possible for company to enter in new market applying same theory or strategy. Direct exporting may be the most appropriate option or strategy for in single market while in another DV8 leather company need to focus on joint venture and in another company may choose different options of marketing entry options. There will be various factors which may affect the options of marketin g strategy such as tariff rates, cost of marketing and transportation and the level of adaption of product required. These factors can enhance the cost to be expected the increase in sales will balance these costs effectively (Winchester Lees, 2016). Directing exporting is the approach to sell directly products and services in to the market without getting help from any person. It is the approach which would be implemented after planning sales program of the company. Company established sales program and turns to distributor for the purpose to represent them ahead in the market. Agents and distributors are selected by organization to promote the business ahead and that is why they became familiar with the organization and represented interests of the company. DV8 Leather Company can prefer this market entry options to enter in the international country. To follow this approach, DV8 Leather Company needs to accept certain procedures. Sue to direct exporting DV8 would be able to recognize that who is the customers of it. Joint ventures are an individual term of partnership that includes the creation of a third managed company which is independently. It is the process which is known by 1+1=3. It enhances the interest of the company to involve in it, two companies concur to work together in a market, it can be geographic or product, and build a third company to undertake this. In this market entry strategy, partner are equal liable towards profit or loss (French, 2017). DV8 Leather Company can choose this option by involving company as a partner. Sony/Ericsson Cell Phone is the worth example of joint venture market strategy. Partnering is important while entering in to foreign markets and it has been analyzed that in some part of the country it is considered as mandatory. Partnering is not limited; it can be form from easy co-operating marketing arrangements to a sophisticated strategic alliance. It is very useful strategy in those markets where partners of company are belonging to different culture; it will be helpful to bring the knowledge of local market (Moroko Uncles, 2010). Directing exports for DV8 Leather Company Directing exports will be suitable marketing entry options for DV8 Leather Company. It is the option which allows company to know that the customers of this company are. It has so many advantageous forms such as the belief of customers will enhance when they get to know the direct dealer of tier products. Customers will be able to direct approach without getting any barrier and provide the feedback about the services of the DV8 Company. Company gets slightly effective preventions of trademark, copyrights and patents. DV8 Leather Company will be able to get engaged in the process of export. All transactions can be controlled easily and the possible chances of disloyalty will be decreased (Foedermayr Diamantopoulos, 2010). As the business of DV8 Leather Company will reach at international level through directing exports, it will bring great flexibility to enhance or redirect the efforts of marketing. DV8 leather company can easily expands it business by hire an export sales manager, e stablish a separate department of export, setup a sales subsidiary of exports and form a foreign sales branch. Hiring of Export sales manager is a simplest form to expand its business through directing exports, export sales manager leads all activities regarding all export activities. If company establishes a separate department of export, is widely self contained and operates without any restriction of the operations of domestic. Export sales subsidiary will separate DV8 Company from the rest of the organization. A foreign sales branch is not a legal organization. It is a branch which is able to handle the sales, promotional efforts and distribution with the help of geographic area and sells to a target customer of an organization (Tansel, 2015). Every coin has two aspects; one is positive and another is negative. The disadvantages of DV8 Leather Company are that company need to be financially more strong. It is the approach which takes a lot of time to implement. It is important in this approach to build a cultivate customer base. At every level company needs to take all responsibility at its behalf. It can be implemented by hiring export sales manager, but it is required for DV8 Company to get updated of all activities which is not possible every time. In the term of expanding business or bringing flexibility in the business, this approach will not be suitable. The most disadvantage form of direct exporting is that company need to more logistic in the term of handling all the transactions. Apart from that the disadvantages of direct exporting larger material from DV8 Leather Company can be greater initial outlay, larger risks, difficultly in maintenance of stocks, higher cost of distributions, dependency on distributors and greater managerial ability (Surdu, Mellahi Glaister, 2015). Potential market segments Market segmentation is the process in which broader range of groups is classified as per their interest and demand. In this element existing and potential customers are involved in to subgroups of customers which are based on some type of characteristics. The potential market segments for DV8 Leather Company can be psychographic segment, demographic segment, use based segment, benefit segment and behavioral segments. DV8 Leather Company will be chosen direct exporting option of marketing entry option. The products can be bought by youth because it provides the leather product which is able to become a great attraction in the view of youth. Geographic: potential customers of DV8 Leather Company are in a local state or a national marketplace segment. Geographic segment is crucial for Leather Company as it tries to enter in international market by direct exporting. Business need to recognize the specific boundaries within which it will do business (Laufs Schwens, 2014). Demographic: potential customers of DV8 Leather Company are recognized by criteria such as religion, gender, race, marital status, occupation, income level and educational level. A target market of DV8 Leather Company would include certain factors such as number of employees, varieties in products, customer size and annual review. Psychographic: it has been analyzed that number of business offers products on the basis of attitudes and beliefs of target customers. It can be distinguished as per consumer market and business market. In the term of consumer market, life style, trendy, status, hobby, fun seeking and social responsible covers consumer market. Business market involves innovative, employee relation, conservatives and industry leader. Behaviorist: products and services are consumer for a variety of reasons. It is important for DV8 Leather Company to determine what those reasons are. It can be loyalty, cost and brand. It is the approach which involves number of questions in it such as reason for purpose, amount of service or products purchased, taken time to make a decision to purchase and number of times of purchasing (Wang, Bronevetsky, Beaumont, Stadler, Bao, Smith Chapman, 2017). Strategic approach The strategic approach is a process of planning to achieve a goal of an organization by elaborating its strategy, directions and making decisions. DV8 Leather Company should be specific about the strategic approach. Strategic approaches are being used by DV8 Leather Company are internally driven organization, customer driven organization and market driven organization (Baker, 2014). DV8 Leather Company are internally driven, which shows that their strategy is driven by what they have done in the past. It has the weak point as well that the in-house employees are not anticipating amendments that are happening in the market place (Schlegelmilch, 2016). Customer driven organization is the organization which main focus has on issues of customers and they try to close the issues by listening them carefully. The weakness of this approach is that this approach finishes up trying to be all rules and things to all people. It is last approach of strategic approaches which demonstrates the targeted market in which they will serve their services and how they will add value. It will help to understand the growth of an organization (Fund, Shahsavari, Panwar, Erkip Rangan, 2016). DV8 Leather Company deals with aviators bags, caps, belts, customer leather, leather belts and wrist braids. It has been analyzed that the population of youth in Australia is good enough. The target market of DV8 Leather Company should be focused on custom leather because it specializes in custom leather. Buffalo leather waist, cow hide bikers waist coat, oil keep bikers vest, kangaroo whip laced biker vest and custom made bike seats are some products of DV8 Leather Company. Company should focus on youth of the Australia. This is the generation which is most interested in sports adventure and trendy things. Psychographic segmentation is mainly observed in this report in the term of DV8 Leather Company. It is the target segment of DV8 Leather Company because it distinguishes the market according to the lifestyle of customers. Customer gets high quality of leather material with reasonable rate in the variety. It considers the variance of potential effects of buying behavior such as att itude, interest, activities and expectation of customers. Recommended positioning strategies Positioning refers the communication of essential benefits to the potential customers. DV8 Leather Company needs to make specific group for every products because it is not possible to available everything for everyone. For instance, athletic equipment makers make equipments for beginners and advanced player. DV8 Leather Company should manufacture leather products from child to old one by specifying groups. It should follow low price strategy along with high price strategy (Wirtz Lovelock, 2017). It should position itself as affordable options through selling low priced goods. It will be benefited to the company to make a high sales volume (Bernstein, 2014). High price strategy should be followed by company only in the condition of creating a perceived value. The distribution of its products should be done in high quality places. It will be encouraged positioning of the brand in the market because people will start to believe that these products are the top of the lines models and d esire them more. As it discussed that DV8 leather company will choose direct exporting marketing entry option so it is required to maintain its positioning for being loyal for target market. References Baker, M. J. (2014).Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. Bernstein, J. S. (2014). Identifying Market Segments, Selecting Target Markets, and Positioning the Offer. InStanding Room Only(pp. 125-143). Palgrave Macmillan US. Bickhoff, N., Hollensen, S., Opresnik, M. (2014). Step 2: Strategic and Operative Marketing PlanningSegmenting, Targeting, Positioning. InThe Quintessence of Marketing(pp. 47-110). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. De Mooij, M. (2013).Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Foedermayr, E. K., Diamantopoulos, A. (2010). Market segmentation in practice: Review of empirical studies, methodological assessment, and agenda for future research.Journal of Strategic Marketing,16(3), 223-265. French, J. (2017). The importance of segmentation in social marketing strategy. InSegmentation in Social Marketing(pp. 25-40). Springer Singapore. Fund, F., Shahsavari, S., Panwar, S. S., Erkip, E., Rangan, S. (2016). Do open resources encourage entry into the millimeter wave cellular service market?. InProceedings of the Eighth Wireless of the Students, by the Students, and for the Students Workshop(pp. 12-14). ACM. Laufs, K., Schwens, C. (2014). Foreign market entry mode choice of small and medium-sized enterprises: A systematic review and future research agenda.International Business Review,23(6), 1109-1126. Moroko, L., Uncles, M. D. (2010). Employer branding and market segmentation.Journal of Brand Management,17(3), 181-196. Schlegelmilch, B. B. (2016). Entering Global Markets. InGlobal Marketing Strategy(pp. 43-61). Springer International Publishing. Surdu, I. M., Mellahi, K., Glaister, K. (2015, January). Learning and institutional change: Implications for foreign market re-entry commitment. InAcademy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2015, No. 1, p. 16808). Academy of Management. Tansel, A. K. (2015). Possible and appropriate foreign market entry modes for Pharma UK to launch NovaRelief in India. An analysis. Tominaga, H., Araki, F., Shimohigashi, Y., Ishihara, T., Kawasaki, K., Kanetake, N, Iwashita, Y. (2014). Accuracy of positioning and irradiation targeting for multiple targets in intracranial image-guided radiation therapy: a phantom study.Physics in medicine and biology,59(24), 7753. Wang, X., Bronevetsky, Y., Beaumont, K., Stadler, G., Bao, X. R., Smith, D., ... Chapman, K. (2017). Analysis and recovery of functionally defined single immune cell clones through opto-electro-positioning technology. Winchester, M., Lees, G. (2016). An Investigation of the Success of Targeting Newspapers and Efficiency of Advertising in Ireland.Journal of Promotion Management,22(5), 620-636. Wirtz, J., Lovelock, C. (2017).Positioning Services in Competitive Markets. World Scientific.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Whats In A Name free essay sample

Whats in a name? For as long as I can remember, I have struggled to answer this question. It has taken me about fifteen and a half years, but I have finally discovered the answer: identity and self-confidence. The pondering began in Kindergarten, where I was the only Lida in the class, surrounded by a sea of Emilys, Katies and Sarahs. Almost everyone, teachers and students alike, stumbled over my name. I was called Lie-uh, Lid-uh, and Ida. Its Leeee-da Id find myself saying several times a day, growing frustrated. At home, where my family and I spoke Ukrainian, my name flowed like silk, entwining perfectly into our language. You have a weird name, fellow kindergartenres would comment, why did you parents name you that? I brought these questions home with me. Mama, why dont I have a normal name? You have a beautiful Ukrainian that I have always loved. We will write a custom essay sample on Whats In A Name? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I brushed off my mothers words. As I grew up. my self-consciousness about my name multiplied. I became accustomed to loathing my name. I dreaded roll calls, and resented all of the misspelllings, mispronounciations, and stupid jokes (I used to drink Lidas of soda back in the day, hahaha). When middle school began, the typical preteen issues of fitting in and being popular brought my hyper awareness to an all-time high. I came up with a perfect solution, something that I had always longed for: a new name, Lydia. That way, when anyone struggled with my name, I would simply say, its Lydia, a perfectly normal, some what common, and easy-to-say-and-spell name. My new name made me feel secure and confident. But deep down, I felt guilty, because I knew I had insulted my parents when I demand that everyone at my new school call me Lydia. For three years, I was Lydia, who struggled with peer pressure,bullying, and finding herself. The moral Lydia vs. Lida war amplified as I grew older. I was surprised to learn that not everyone hated my name as much as I did. Lida-what a beautiful name, a teacher once exclaimed, why would you want to change that? I met others with ethnic names, who were constantly being misspelled and mispronounced like mine. These experienced caused little seeds of doubt and reconsideration to germinate deep inside me. Three years later, at the beginning of high school, I sought the opportunity to change my name again. But this time, I was going back to my real name, Lida. I am Lida-a young woman who is passionate about horses, literature,kindness, organization, and the Canadian Wilderness.Accepting my name has opened the gate to over-all self-acceptance. I have learned to cherish my name and all that it symbolizes: my language, my heritage, and the love of my parents. Fighting-and winning the battle over insecurity over my name has given me the courage to overcome other insecurities. I know that I have the confidence for the next chapter of my story: going to college. Sometimes I look back at what I know fondly call the Lydia Days and smile-because that girl seems completely different from the person that I am today. However, Lydia remains an intrinsic part of me because she taught me many valuable lessons-the beauty of ethnic and unique names, and most importantly, how NOT to let people have a negative influence over you, or make you feel bad about yourself. For that, I am ever grateful to her.