Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The New Fuss About Writing Research Paper

The New Fuss About Writing Research Paper Vital Pieces of Writing Research Paper In any case, the very best research paper writing service reviews also include things like info on the shortest possible deadline research paper writer will be ready to work in a specific company. Well, to begin with, you'd probably need to understand if your research paper writer truly is a professional. If you order from us, you can find a draft of your paper to be certain your writer is heading in the correct direction. In truth, it is by far the most significant part research paper writing. Although essays and research papers can be an issue, term papers are way more complex than many of the academic assignments. Quite simply, you need to make an outline. You will get your paper in a couple of days (or even hours if you want it very soon). Once during old days, receiving the Master's degree is genuinely a huge deal and it's thought as the very best achievement. Quite simply, you will get a chance to pick the person who can easily comply to your academic demands and do that within an established deadline be it 6 or 16 hours. Some students are worried about the originality of papers they buy online, while some fret about their privacy or high rates. Writing Research Paper Fundamentals Explained If you prefer to control each step of the writer, you have the opportunity to do it. Certified writers are eager to lend a helping hand to anybody who has difficulties with writing homework. Assumin g your chosen writer is a specialist in this issue you need assistance with, and assuming they're readily available to do the job quickly enough for your favorite deadline, you'll be paired with your very first option. At any time you decide the subject, the appropriate research methodology will most probably be explained by our research professionals. At the present time, the education system doesn't involve a high degree of individual strategy, meaning that each student gets more or less the exact same therapy. From this, you will be in a position to proceed using your research. By all means, online research is an amazing tool for students they are able to readily find a lot of information. We're the absolute most reputable and dependable research paper writing service available online featuring numerous benefits and advantages for our every customer. To get the best one you must observe a wide range of services which give you different advantages. With such a massive sele ction, it can be hard to pick only one. Students should check with their course supervisor or teacher till they start the procedure for research paper writing. One of the main reasons why they are constantly stressed out is that they always get too many writing assignments. When they consider getting academic writing help from a writing service, it is understandable there may be concerns about plagiarism. Quite often, they do not know how and where to start writing. The Debate Over Writing Research Paper It's also important to think about the information which is readily available on a particular topic. You obtain a synopsis of your topic, and you may use the sources cited below to locate real, reliable sources. Create guidelines of what you would like to achieve in your research. It is preferable to perform a speedy search of books, magazines, encyclopedias, the web and even journals to be able to come across a notion of just how much information you'll be able to discove r on the selected topic. Additionally, you can get in touch with the on-line paper writer personally using our messaging system if you need clarifications about the purchase. It's possible to visit our official page and use a calculator to understand the exact value of your purchase. Let our service provide you with the freedom of planning your absolutely free time how you desire. In case you have any of the above mentioned reasons for getting expert help online, make the ideal choice let us assist you with your assignments! Our term paper writing service permits customers to select the writer they wish to work with based on their abilities and assignment requirements. For this reason, you might get to recognize the comprehensive notion of the research. When you purchase an essay from us, you're guaranteed to relish individual approach because essay help given by our writers is always customized depending on your requirements. The expert essay writing we provide is hard and time-consuming. All you have to receive a writer is place an order, and then we'll come across a proper writer with good expertise in a respective subject. First of all, you want to select the best suited writer for your topic. There's not a single writer in our midst that's inexperienced. After your assigned writer writes the paper, it's double-checked by our crew of editors so guarantee that it is 100% original.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Good Old Paper and Pencil - 1493 Words

The Good Old Paper and Pencil In this decade, technology knowledge is a necessity to be able to perform duties such as grocery shopping, navigating around town, or research for schoolwork. Computers are involved in every aspect of our lives. People use computers to analyze graphs for the economy, write novels, and implement the needs of every human on the planet. Children have grown accustomed to the new age and have gradually stopped traditional outside play and incorporated technology into their everyday lives. Technology has made it easier for children to learn but negatively affected children more than benefitting from it. I have trouble with my own daughter because she is very intelligent and accustomed to her Ipad, she has become increasingly lazy and would refuse to go outside to play. This affects me because I feel like she should be exploring the world, using her imagination, socializing with others, and exercising for her health benefits as well. I need to set limitations f or her usage in technology and other parents should be doing the same as well. Children should be limited to electronic use to one hour a day to prevent obesity, depression, academic failure, and to increase social skills amongst other children. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a study in 2004, 16% of children, approximately 9 million that are between the ages of 6 -19 years old are overweight or obese. This number has most likely increased due to the rapid growthShow MoreRelatedSetting Of The Story The Lottery By Shirley Jackson1462 Words   |  6 Pageschips have been replaced with slips of paper. This provides the lottery with a modernized aspect. This shows that times are changing, and when the tradition first begun, people still wrote on wood, and paper was not developed. Now, however, instead of residents changing up the tradition, they are changing the materials used to carry it through. The residents do not realize that this tradition is very cannibalistic, and should not be adhered to. Explain Old Man Warner’s attitude to the lotteryRead More Candle Making Essay802 Words   |  4 Pagesyou can also create your own style making it more meaningful to you. Before you begin, it’s a good idea to cover your workspace with newspaper. This should prevent wax hardening on the surface that you are working on. Make sure that you have all your materials. You will need one pound of paraffin which can be found at most craft stores, vegetable oil, a medium sized cooking pot, an empty coffee can, an old spoon, a clean sturdy container, and store-bought pre-dipped wicks. To add personality to yourRead MoreEssay about My Philosophy of Classroom Management1483 Words   |  6 Pagesprompt or a Do Now. They will be allowed to choose lit circles, or groups or assignments. Until they break the rules. As they break the rules the class will have their ability to choose taken away from them. I will reward my students for their good behavior with more choice. If they are all working hard they will be allowed to choose what we read next. If my students are not focusing on the task at hand I will first raise my voice to achieve focus. (Believe me I can shout over any group ofRead MoreDigital Vs. Traditional Art1281 Words   |  6 Pagesdrawings are that the artist does not have to purchase traditional media such as pencils, paper, charcoals, paints, etc. While some of these such as pencils and paper seem to be household items as the artist develops they might decide they need to have different art supplies such as different grades of pencils used in art. There are different grades of pencils used in art. Lines produced from these different pencils range from thin to thick and light to dark. For digital art, the artist would onlyRead MoreEssay On Brand Loyalty854 Words   |  4 Pagesmost of our schools here in Colorado are very specific on which brand of notebooks you purchase, and guess which brand that is? Mead Five Star! They didnt have to tell me twice. I have been using Mead products since I was a student mysel f. Im old, very old, and when I was in high school my parents bought me a Mead Trapper Keeper, as a matter of fact, all the cool kids had one. You werent cool if you didnt have a Trapper Keeper. I mentioned this to my oldest daughter and she had no idea what I wasRead MoreThe Speech from a Pencil1444 Words   |  6 PagesThe Speech from a Pencil No one would expect such a tiny object, like a pencil to have the ability to speak, and no one would expect such a solitary thing could bring to me a lot of memories during my childhood. Some say that I should stop keeping pencils and that I’m out of my mind because a pencil is worth nothing, but I say to them â€Å"Why they are worth nothing. They provide an efficient way to communicate on paper and also make everyone feel more knowledgeable. For me, a pencil has its meaning,Read MoreCouloruism in American in 1800 ´s: The Paper Bag test1648 Words   |  7 Pagesthat they were worthy and light enough to be white and work in the house. â€Å"The brown paper bag test was a ritual once practiced†, (Norris). This act showed who had more of a creamy white colored skin tone. This act was practiced for years. This act made some of the light colored people feel bad because they probably felt like they were not good enough to be the desired color, white. The Paper Bag test The paper bag test was some sort of ritual done in the 1800s. Europeans and African Americans cameRead MoreThere Was Something Magical About Ceilings1443 Words   |  6 Pagesthey were playing a game, and every time she tried to get a good look, the circles changed. They played a different game. Pursuit was a tiresome thing. It was exhausted to chase after the circles, just like it was exhausting to chase after everything else. Once the alarm set itself off, it was off to school she went, just like everyone else. At school, she would pursue high grades, and then pursue friendships that last, and then pursue a good story to capture, pin down, and write... However, life neverRead MorePhysical Development : The Center For Disease Control s Growth Chart For Boys935 Words   |  4 Pageschoice to play inside. During almost every observation, W was playing a game of four square with the same group of three boys. He seems well-coordinated. School-aged children are usually quite skilled at controlling their bodies and are generally good at physical activities (Davidson 2011). He was able to hit the ball without being too clumsy. W usually moves quickly outside. At this age, children’s large motor muscles have developed to the point where most of the â€Å"child-like† clumsiness hasRead MoreEngineering Lettering1149 Words   |  5 Pagessans-serif letters are comparatively easy to make. They may be drawn in outline and then filled in. C.W. Reinhardt, formerly chief draftsman for Engineering News, developed alphabets of capital and lowercase inclined and â€Å"vertical letters, based on the old Gothic letters. For each letter, he worked out a systematic series of strokes. Reinhardt’s development of single-stroke letters was the first step toward standardization of technical lettering. In 1935, the American National Standards Institute

Friday, May 15, 2020

Music And Music Carol Of The Bells - 1699 Words

This concert was a series of performances by the Limestone College and Community Chorus, as well as a couple of performances by the Limestone College Vocal Ensemble. This is a review of the first half of the concert, which featured performances from the Limestone College and Community Chorus. Carol of the Bells (Ukrainian Carol) by Mykolo Leontovich (1877-1921) Carol of the Bells is a Christmas carol with a unique history. The beginning of what would eventually be popularized as a Christmas carol begin as a Ukrainian traditional folk chant. This famous Ukrainian chant was arranged and set to music in 1914 by Ukrainian composer Mykolo Leontovich. This piece, with its catchy 4 note motive which is developed over the course of the song,†¦show more content†¦This leads me to believe that almost all of the issues that arose during the concert were caused simply by the positioning of the performers in the auditorium. The Shepherd’s Carol by William Billings (1746-1800) William Billings was an American choral composer, and he is considered to be the first choral composer in American history. He primarily wrote 4-part a capella choir pieces. The Shepard’s Carol is a famous piece of his that is a staple of Christmas choir music to this day. The difference in the sound of the choir between the back of the auditorium and on stage is night and day. The stage made their balance so much better, with the bass and tenor voices resonating better through the audience. I also noticed how much stronger the intonation of the choir was when they were closer to the piano accompaniment. The different voices in the choir also have strong blend individually. Rather than it sounding like I am listening to 11 sopranos as indicated on the program, it sounds like I am listening to just a few because of how well those 11 singers blended together. You can tell there is a lot of emphasis on the performance being a group effort rather than a bunch of individual efforts . Carols Around (and around) arranged by Carl J. Nygard, Jr. (b. 1947) Carl J. Nygard is an American composer from Pennsylvania. He has degrees in Music Education andShow MoreRelatedThe Music Of A Christmas Carol1333 Words   |  6 Pagesamong the trees for music† (Gaskell 17). Hester must force Agnes, by way of rank, to reveal that it is believed that the dead â€Å"old lord†, plays the organ (Gaskell 18). Miss Furnivall is first connected with the music, when Hester claims that she thought it was her playing the organ (Gaskell 18). Being that Miss Furnivall is deaf, and is therefore an unlikely musician, this insinuates that Miss Furnivall is connected to this problem. However similar to â€Å"A Christmas Carol†, the music is suggested toRead MoreI Attended The Christmas With The Mormon Tabernacle Choir1188 Words   |  5 Pages I attended the Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle choir, Orchestra at Temple Square and Bells on Temple Square. The event was held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints conference center building. The building holds approximately 21,000 people. This particular musical performance was for Christmas time. Every year they feature a special guest. Usually it is an famous American singer or story teller, but this year it was more of a cultural experience. This year their guest was RonaldoRead More Joshua Gaugler Essay789 Words   |  4 Pagesintensity. I knew that I was about to strike that F chord in a few measures. I quickly removed the moisture from my fingers with the cloth I brought with me. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The band had a special meeting planned after we played the music for our church’s Thanksgiving Supper. We showed up to the church on a cold Saturday morning, making our way to the auditorium. We began to discuss the plans, ideas, or even the thoughts that we had for what we should do next. Dan, the first to talkRead MoreAnalysis Of Santa Clause Is Coming To Town734 Words   |  3 Pagesto Town†, is a christmas carol for kids to encourage them to have a good behavior because Santa would know whos been bad or good. It gets the attention of kids with the first line, â€Å"You better watch out† and then comfortes kids with the line, â€Å"Santa Claus is Coming to Town†. In 1932, the song was created by John Frederick, Coots, and Haven Gillespie. The song originated from the United States. Specifically, it created on a subway in New York as they were going to a music publisher’s office. ChristmasRead MoreTaking a Look at Celtic M usic2593 Words   |  10 PagesCeltic Music When Celtic music comes to mind, nowadays, the first thing people think of is something to do with maybe something to do with the group Riverdance, a famous Irish step dancing group, the Irish musician, Enya. Celtic music has almost become more of the New Age music, the relaxing and soothing comfort music that people feel the need to listen to when they relax, or just to escape from reality, but it used to be something else before it has evolved into ‘New Age Music’. It is as almostRead MoreGlass Towns and Graveyards: A Biography of Charlotte Brontà « Essays937 Words   |  4 Pagesand carried â€Å"a peculiar music – wild, melancholy, and elevating.† Brontà «, along with her sisters, began using pseudonyms in 1846 with the publication of Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. According to Charlotte, the wide audience believed that these three pseudonyms related to one person; she wrote Biographical Notes on the Pseudonymous Bells in response. Charlotte Brontà «s most famous work, Jane Eyre: An Autobiography, was published in 1847 under the pen name Currer Bell. Charlotte met much moreRead MoreChristmas Playlist Suggestions For Holiday Parties Essay1705 Words   |  7 Pagesharness the true spirit behind this highly commercialized holiday. With that being said, your party cannot be complete without holiday music adding to the ambiance of the festivities. Each holiday season, the radio stations play our favorite Christmas tunes around the clock and a blast of holiday cheer is heard over the loud speakers at department stores. Music is everywhere, and it plays a major part of the holiday season. I’ve prepared one of my own personal Christmas play lists that was createdRead MoreInside Deaf Culture, By Carol Padden And Tom Humphries1228 Words   |  5 Pagesunification of the Deaf community. Language plays an essential role in the development and unification of a culture or nation. Through the use of American Sign Language (ASL), a new type of culture emerged that embraced the Deaf community. According to Carol Padden and Tom Humphries, in their novel, Inside Deaf Culture, â€Å"We used a definition of culture that focused on beliefs and practices, particularly the central role of sign language in the everyday lives of the community† (Humphries Padden 1). WithRead MoreMrs Quasimodo (Carol Ann Duffy) Essay1418 Words   |à ‚  6 Pagescollection by Carol Anne Duffy which takes characters and myths from history that focus on famous men. However, Duffy’s feminist view allows the reader to see the women’s, who were previously hidden behind these men, point of view. This poem focuses on the novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo is the hunchbacked bell-ringer so the poem pretends as though he has a wife. He falls in love with a beautiful Gypsy and Mrs Quasimodo starts to feel neglected and betrayed. Its set in Paris, as the bells areRead MoreThe Concert At Alice Tully Hall1953 Words   |  8 PagesThroughout the semester, I went to several concerts, some classical in nature, some more popular, and even a bit of house music made by DJs-which was not really my style. One of the concerts that took me out of my comfort zone the most was performed by a Juilliard Orchestra and conducted by Juilliard faculty member, Jeffrey Millarsky. The concert took place at Alice Tully Hall, a Lincoln Center concert venue. It is not as large as Lincoln Center’s opera house, but still a sizable space and it was

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Declaration Of Independence And The Us Constitution

No documents have had a greater influence on the citizens of our country than the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. The Declaration of Independence marked the birth of our republic and set forth our â€Å"unalienable rights† to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Later, the Constitution outlined our style of government and defined the rights that are protected from intrusion by government. These documents have been a beacon to all men and women who value freedom. They are just as meaningful now as when they were written. As the American statesman Henry Clay said, â€Å"The Constitution of the United States was not made merely for the generation that then existed but for posterity – unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual posterity.† The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were written with the intent that they could be easily read and understood by ordinary citizens. The difficulty comes with the changes in the English language that have occurred since they were written, making both documents more difficult to decipher. Freedom Defined addresses this problem by providing instant access to the definitions of words and phrases used in these documents. The definitions are based on dictionaries used during the early years of the United States, the records of the Constitutional Convention, and the writings of the Founding Fathers. Benjamin Franklin, one of the few men to sign both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of theShow MoreRelatedInfluence Of The Declaration Of Independence711 Words   |  3 PagesThe Influence of the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, influenced the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights which was later written by James Madison in 1787. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to declare independence from England and outline what rights they wanted and why they should have them because their voices and opinions were not being heard. The goal for the US Constitution was to ensure that the new governmentRead MoreInfluence Of The Magna Carta789 Words   |  4 Pagesa significant role in influencing the founding of the United States. The Magna Carta inspired our Founding Fathers to draft our Constitution centered around these same ideas seen here. The Magna Carta influenced many ideas of English justice and law. These same ideas in the Magna Carta influenced the Amendments to our US Constitution. The amendments to the US Constitution incorporated the same protections found in the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta. One of these protectio ns are seen in ClauseRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence By Thomas Jefferson1113 Words   |  5 PagesThe United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence share many similarities and probably the same amount of differences. The Unites States Constitution was written on 17 September 1787 and the Declaration of Independence was written on 4 July 1776, the dates hold no significance at that time, but the Declaration was written first. This shows that out of the three the Declaration of Independence was written first, and with that being said was most important. Usually documents written and signedRead MoreComparing The Declaration Of Independence926 Words   |  4 Pages 2 The US Constitution, The Declaration of Independence as well as the Letter to the Danbury Baptist are not just historical documents, but are some of if not the most important documents of the history of our nation. Although, similar in many facets the intentions and the goal pursued by each highlight their individuality. The fact that the Declaration of Independence was the first to be implemented and signed is of significant importanceRead MoreComparison Paper GOVT200679 Words   |  3 PagesS. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are two of the oldest documents in America and two of the most popular. These documents help to shape America and gave us freedom from the British government. The two documents contains very important information about our independence but they are different in many ways. In this paper I will compare the two documents and incorporate an outlook from the Christian biblical worldview. The U.S Constitution and the Declaration of Independence areRead MoreComparison Of The American Constitution And The Declaration Of Independence713 Words   |  3 PagesThe Declaration of Independence was one of the most important document ever written in our US history. This document defined the colonies freedom from Britain. This document defined that the colonists became its own nation, freeing themselves from Britain. The Declaration of Independence was written with the ideology that everyone will live equally and free. Soon after the Declaration of Independence was written, the Constitution was written. the Constitution was written so that there were rulesRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And Independence969 Words   |  4 PagesThe US Constitution, The Declaration of Independence as well as the Letter to the Danbury Baptist are not just historical documents, but some of if not the most important documents of the history of our nation. Although, similar in many facets the intentions and the goal pursued by each highlight their individuality. The fact that the Declaration of Independence was the first to be implemented and signed is of significant importance as it set the pace and put in motion the proceeding documents thatRead MoreU.s. Constitution And The Declaration Of Independence Essay1115 Words   |  5 PagesThe U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are two very important documents in the founding of our nation. This essay compares how these two documents are linked together, but also how they are clearly different. Though both documents were created near the same time, the Declaration of Independence was actually written first. It was written by Thomas Jefferson and was adopted by congress on July 4, 1776, what we know today as Independence Day. The U.S constitution though, was not adoptedRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And Federalist Papers Essay1640 Words   |  7 Pagestopics are discussed, but if it werenâ₠¬â„¢t for the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Federalist papers. How far would the world get on a day to day bases? The constitution is a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed (Oxford Dictionaries). The Constitution was written the same place the Declaration of Independence was signed. The constitution was written during the Philadelphia Convention,Read MoreComparing The Declaration Of Independence877 Words   |  4 PagesComparison Paper In comparing the Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists, The Declaration of Independence, and U.S. Constitution, it is evident that the basis of all three documents is the idea that all human beings possess God given fundamental rights and that government is created to protect those rights. The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, is the first of the three documents penned. This is of great importance because it defined the rights of liberty

United States Military Academy Causes And Effect

UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY HWE3: CAUSE AND EFFECT SHARED SACRIFICE EN101: COMPOSITION SECTION K34 CPT REBECCA L. MCGILLEY By CADET TANNER P. DISMUKES ’19, CO I2 WEST POINT, NEW YORK 27 OCTOBER 2015 _____ MY DOCUMENTATION IDENTIFIES ALL SOURCES USED AND ASSISTANCE RECEIVED IN COMPLETING THIS ASSIGNMENT. _____ I DID NOT USE ANY SOURCES OR ASSISTANCE REQUIRING DOCUMENTATION IN COMPLETING THIS ASSIGNMENT. SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________ Word Count: Shared Sacrifice Mogul Warren E. Buffett’s â€Å"Stop Coddling the Super-Rich† proposes increasing taxes on the zenith socioeconomic class will respite levy burdens on working class Americans, however it fails to recognize various†¦show more content†¦The immediate and long term results of Buffett’s sacrifice would be more beneficial if the money was not handled through the government, but instead dedicated directly through philanthropy. Increasing taxes on wealthy Americans is not giving to the poor, it is capital being acquired by the government. Buffett is making the assumption that the government will use the money to subsidize welfare efforts and small-business growth. While this may be the case, any increase in government spending will simply further increase the deficit of financial security for the masses. When the government has an increase in net income the price of money increases then the available quantity of the dollar increases and overtime businesses rais e the prices of their goods and services because they can make more money (Alesina and Ardagna 49). After the market adjusts to the new price level, there would be no progression or benefit for the working-class, in fact they would be even more burdened by this endeavor. â€Å"Shared sacrifice† would benefit the grassroots if they were directly given the money without government intervention because there would be no economic impact (Buffett 3). Warren Buffett is an entrepreneurial genius and knows the free-market unlike any other with his unique and brilliant economic manipulation, however fiscal policy is much different than his familiarity with monetaryShow MoreRelatedThe Equal Opportunity (EO) is an important program to ensure fair treatment, justice, and equity1200 Words   |  5 Pagesrecreational environments. Equal opportunity violations considered one of the biggest difficulties that face today’s military, therefore, both juniors and seniors NCOs are obligated to maintain a positive EO program in their assigned units, and prevent any equal opportunity violations. Knowing and defining the meaning of each equal opportunity violation will help understand the effect of each one of them on the unit’s morals and cohesion; it will also help determine the best course of action the NCORead MoreWomen in Military1248 Words   |  5 PagesWomen in the United States have long fought for the right to be included in many facets of society such as the right to vote to breaking into professions like the medical field and getting females elected to major government offices. But one of the most intriguing questions of integration has yet to be fully answered. Apart from all others is the battle to allow women the right, the honor, and the privilege of serving and defending their country as part of the United States Armed Forces. Being inRead MoreCoast Guard Policy Review Paper978 Words   |  4 PagesEnlisted Evaluation System (EES) does not have accountability to members that use tobacco products. The Surgeon General of the United States has determine d that tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness, disability, and death in the United States, ref (a). The Coast Guard Health Promotion Manual states, â€Å"Tobacco products generate physiological changes and cause significant health risks.† In 2015 about 15 of every 100 U.S. adults aged 18 years or older (15.1%) smoked cigarettes, accordingRead MorePolice Brutality Is An Act Of Aggression And Unnecessary Force1571 Words   |  7 Pageschange and justice. On the other hand, the most productive way to solving this issue is to bring police reform such as new and longer training techniques and higher qualifications for recruitments. First, some solution has been put in place but the effect is not as expected. For instance, having body cameras on an officers’ chest is not enough, make no mistake, officers should have body cameras (king 2016). It’s a partial solution but we know those cameras don’t solve the issue when there’s not enoughRead More Repeal of Dont Ask Dont Tell Essay1076 Words   |  5 Pagesforces of the United States, and allows a number of people to serve their country. This policy restricts the United States armed forces from discovering gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. The ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy has, in a way, limited homosexuals from completely fulfilling their military duties by forcing them to serve in the military silent about their personal lives. The policy is a violation of equal rights, forces homosexuals to violate the military code of honor, and causes disputes amongRead MoreSuicide, The Silent Killer1343 Words   |  6 PagesKiller Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death across all ages in the United States. It is also the second leading cause of death for 15 - 35 year olds nationwide. The World Health Organization (or WHO) estimates that approximately 1 million people die every year from suicide. However, almost twice that number that attempt it and survived. In Georgia suicide is the third leading cause of death with roughly 1,000 death per year. Suicide has lasting effects on families and communities; UnderstandingRead MoreCase Study : Pierce V. Society Of Sisters2189 Words   |  9 PagesLibrary, 2016). However, the Court’s decision also ruled that a state has the right to require children to attend school, as well as the minimum standards of education that private schools must meet (Law Library, 2016). In 1925, the Court heard the case of Pierce v. Society of Sisters. In this case, two appellees, the Society of Sisters and Hill Military Academy, sought a restraining order against then-Governor Walter M. Pierce and the state of Oregon (Law Library, 2016). Both of the appellees were privateRead MorePolice Brutality : A Nation Of Free And The Home Of The Brave1304 Words   |  6 Pagesare armed with military grade weaponry. And, thirdly, police regularly violate the civil and human rights of citizens, even committing criminal offenses against them. It is no wonder that the American people are in fear of those sworn to protect them. To make matters worse, the police force, the judicial system, and elected officials stand together justifying homicides, assault, and atrocities committed against the general public. Acquisition of military equipment by the state and local policeRead MoreTechnological Advances And Its Impact On The United States1900 Words   |  8 Pagesinterests of the United States and its colonial progenitors. During the roughly four centuries in which this fighting force has existed, it has undergone numerous changes of varying degrees of significance. Technological advances have changed the nature of both defensive and offensive warfare, political advances have changed the nature of the relationship between the civilian population and its protectors, and geostrategic shifts have changed the role of the United States military with respect toRead More The Effects Of Ufos On People Essay1100 Words   |  5 Pages The Effects of UFOs on People nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Almost every civilization in history that has kept a written history has recorded the sightings of strange objects and lights in the skies. These objects have been described as glowing wheels, colored balls of light, and disk shaped objects. Today unexplained aerial phenomena are generally referred to as unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or flying saucers. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The effects of extra terrestrial sightings

Digital Marketing for Circle of Life Company- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theDigital Marketing for Circle of Life Company. Answer: Introduction Company background and target audience online Circle of life is an organization that deals with telecommunication services and thus its interaction with customers is inevitable in this digital era. Its a fourth telco company which has defeated its competitors to the punch and provides its customers with extra choices outside the other three existing telcos (Tynan and Sally 2009). It enables interested parties to register their interests and also subscribe to its data plans on the available website. Many things separate it from starhub, singtel and M1. Circle of life is actually referred to as a mobile virtual network operator. Its a brand operating under the former Liberty Wireless struck with M1 in the past years. This implies its still building its own physical mobile networks but with a lot of dependence on lease from M1. This arrangement has made a lot of impact in the launch of circle of life (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). Therefore up to now the physical infrastructure is still owned by M1 however circle of life has all the f reedom when it comes to crafting its own services and plans. This explains why customer online experience is important in its daily operations. Literature review: Online customer experience promised experience Many companies are now interested at why things are happening and not just what is happening- there is the use of a wide range of methods by marketers to identify the issues experienced by customers and reduce the impact it has on customers. The most important methods include information from customers emails, calls made to customer care centers, online tools used to give feedback, usability testing and digital experience (Maklan and Klaus, 2011). The focus is therefore laid on getting the right blend of different methods to be able to identify and learn from issues. Poor navigation has been one of the issues raised by customers that use online means of purchasing. There is a greater focus on mobile experience with limited understanding-most companies have increased investments on the use of mobile channels and this indicates that investors in this sector understand the importance of mobile in ensuring there exists a excellent customer experience. this growth however comes with challenges for many businesses which are in need of understanding the impact of mobile use on customer experience (Mollen, and Hugh , 2010). The task is even trickier because the mobile devices are different and used in different ways. For instance the usage of tablets which are downtime devices can serve the purpose of a desktop compared to the Smartphone. There has been an issue of tracking the right statistics so as to know the customer experience on mobile use (Chang and Chen, 2008). Most companies only track the devices and platforms used by users that are mobile. Others track the value of the mobile visitors, some track the behavioral differences of different mobile visitors while others are only interested in the influence that mobiles have on online channels. The social listening tools have been seen to play an important role in online customer experience-many companies are of the idea that there is not only the value of positive customer experience that give more goodwill on social sites but also the reverse is true i.e. the companies also play a role in promoting this goodwill (Poynter, 2008). A valuable method of uncovering customer experience can be achieved through monitoring and analysis of the data on social media. Some of the tools that have proved to be effective include those linked to social media analysis/voice of the customer and also social or monitoring listening. Most companies rate tools associated with these activities among those playing key roles in online customer experience. However this rating is still at a lower percentage and this implies that most companies are not eliciting actionable insights that can assist in the improvement of customer experience (Hanssens, Rust and Srivastava, 2009). Customer behavior which is related to conversation is gaining more value-companies have limited understanding as to why customers leave sites or abandon purchases without any conversions. This is because many companies do not measure the difference found in conversation rates between visitors with issues on specific websites and those that do not have any issues (Rose, Neil and Moira Clark, 2011). Emotional values There is a lot of competition in the online means of business transaction which is growing with time. Customers do not just look for any shopping site rather they are also after experience. Its therefore necessary for web site holders to find means of getting their customers attention away from big and already established companies to theirs (Gentile, Spiller and Noci, 2007). This can be achieved through various ways The business/ website owner needs to identify personality of their own brand- for any upcoming business person there is need to show the customers their unique personality that will attract them to their products. One is supposed to show their customers how they do their business. One should identify that one unique personality that easily speaks to their customers. This should then be part of everything they do on their site (Gentile et al., 2007). For instance, Man Crates has a unique brand which is manly and its theme is crates of goods. Once one accesses their help page they are met with a graphic which has a fist that is holding a crowbar and the caption reads try harder (Frow and Payne, 2007). Such a unique feature fits into the companys personality well. Make it a habit of proof reading the websites content before making anything available on your website; its advisable to proofread the content first. In this way you can win the trust of your customers because youre sure of the content that is made public. Any signs of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and poor sentence constructions are often a negative signal to the customers who tend to think the business is not legit (Kim and Eunju, 2012). Its good to use available online tools so as to get the best out of your contents spelling errors can easily be highlighted using sites such as proofread bot. the content can also be proofread by a professional such as the UK writings. Make an improvement on your emails- always rethink about the communication between you and your customers and work towards improving on any complaints raised by the customers. Your emails should be friendly and encouraging for customers to seek your goods and services repeatedly (Lemke, Clark and Wilson, 2010). Therefore clear and important information should always be given. The automated emails should always be rewritten to suit the customers demands. Engage someone in the review of your products-product reviews are often trusted by customers because they offer descriptions on how the products work. Such reviews attract more customers to your site. Product reviews grow with time and how much you are selling in terms of products purchase by customers. In such early stages of businesses professional writers such as boom essays can be used to improve on the product reviews (Lemke, et al., 2010). This is because they are good at creating personal reviews that are genuine regarding your products. Always be genuine- in real life shopping a customer is often happy with employees that have a happy and welcoming gesture and this also should be applied while doing online transactions with your clients. A friendly attitude can be identified via the communication being done and this is likely to ensure that the customers remain loyal and shop with you for ages (Klaus, 2013). Rational values The interaction between a customer and any organization that is of a business relationship is called customer experience. This interaction may be discovery, awareness, advocacy, purchases and cultivation (Hanssens et al., 2009). Its an important part of customer relationship management. Any customer who has a positive experience with a business is of no doubt meant to stick to the organization and be loyal. Customer service is one aspect among the many aspects of customer experience (Rose et al., 2011). no business can exist minus customers and this explains why companies focus much resources on wining new customers and retaining loyal customers. There are different ways of creating an online customer experience strategy and they include but not limited to, Creation of clear customer experience vision- this vision should be clear and easily understood by the customers. It should be available on the companys webpage. It should be customer focused that can be communicated in the company as well. A set of statements should be created to act as guiding principles (Pentina, Victor and Xiaoni 2008). Understanding the kind of customers you have-the customer experience principles can be built by bringing to life the different customers that youre dealing with. Be able to understand customer needs and wants. To achieve this one needs to create customer personas which can be used to easily identify customers by their profiles. This enables the company to be customer centric (Pentina et al., 2008). Creating a connection that is emotional with your customers-the common phrase its not what you say but how you say it means a lot in business community. To achieve good customer experience online an emotional connection has to be created between a customer and the company. Its known by research that more than 50% of any experience is usually based on emotions because our emotions shape the attitudes which are used to make decisions (Tynan and Sally 2009). Customers that are emotionally engaged online are likely to recommend your products to other clients, are likely to re purchase your product, are not likely to shop around for comparison and are fewer prices sensitive. The company should capture the customer feedback on time-the feedback can be captured via post interaction surveys by use of tools that are automated through calls and emails. Its advisable to make calls to customers so as to gain feedback that is insightful (Kim, Weihong and Kyung 2008) A specific customer support agent should be tied to a given customer feedback for satisfaction. A quality framework needs to be used for the team development- this framework is used to develop training needs for each member of the company that is assigned to the customers to offer support. The quality of email and phone communication has to be assessed and the assessment is to be taken one step further through tracking the teams and scheduling all activities through eLearning, coaching and training (Maklan and Klaus, 2011). Regular employee feedback has to be acted upon in due time-instead of doing annual surveys on employee feedbacks its advisable to use tools which allow staffs to share different ideas on ways of improving online customer experience and this will enable managers to see the feelings of its staff towards the business operations (Kim et al., 2008). Based on traditional means of marketing the company may not be able to reach all the clients within their vicinity and even from far unlike if they resort to using online marketing strategies. Recommendations: To the company Promised experience Always check and work towards improving your grammar-the grammar used at your website speaks volumes when it comes to the quality of your copy. Poor grammar can lead to poor understanding by customers concerning what youre trying to market. This may cost you many potential losses. Grammar handbooks such as Australian help and academized books assist in crosschecking your grammar (Grewal, Levy and Kumar, 2009). Make use of recommendation engines- this technique has been used by many online shops ad have been of great effect in their businesses. The engine gives recommendations based on what the customer is searching for and indicates to the customer what can be bought next (Klaus, 2013). This shows the customer that you are giving much attention to what they may need too apart from whatever they are purchasing at the moment. Be appealing to the emotions of the buyer- apart from working towards brand description a good website should also indicate what it can do for the customer. This is done by telling the customers the benefits of the products and how they can improve their lives (Grewal et al., 2009). This implies that your message should be appealing to heart and not just the head. This will get you more sales. The tone used should be of customer service- this is done as a replication of how you expect your employees to talk to you in a store. This therefore implies that a tone that is friendly and direct should be used in writing. The customers should know you are all set and at their service. Always offer an honest thank you once the customers buy your goods (Anitsal and Schumann, 2007). This tone is way much important compared to the web copy that is usually standard and is often seen on most stores. Always be impressed an enthusiastic with what you are selling- this will indicate to the customers that you care much about whatever is on offer on the website. The enthusiasm will definitely shine through and also rub off your customers if you really care about your business (Maklan and Klaus, 2011). Switching from outbound to content marketing-there is need for the organization to add value to their brands other than just highlighting their products and services as it has been the norm in the past (Kumar et al., 2013). The idea of content marketing brings in more traffic to your web unlike outbound marketing. The content on the website should be interactive-such content draws more attention to the organizations website and also increases their engagement on social media sites that are powerful. The content should be eye catching enough (Homburg, Jensen and Krohmer, 2008). Be willing to embrace upcoming social media channels-the organization should not only depend on the usual facebook and linked in sites they should also look and try out new marketing sites available online. These new channels such as snap chats will allow the organization to explore more methods that are creative in making their agenda public and well known. The content developed should be for real people and not just algorithms-the organization needs to step out of their box in which they create content that only highlights the blogs, company itself and business ideas (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2010). It should think of its content with the readers desires in mind, their needs, worries and fears. The audience and their needs should come first before the rank of their page. The organizations top content should be reused and repurposed repeatedly- there is need to constantly repost their top blogs with refreshing of titles as well as new visuals (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012). They should not assume that their old clients have already seen the previously posted content. This also attracts new readers who have not had access to the content before. There is the need to set a goal- the organization needs to have its goals clearly stated before embarking on digital marketing. This implies they should not go into the digital world blindly because this can leave them in a jumbled mess (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). The organization should have a marketing funnel in place-this assist them in mapping out the journey of their clients and putting strategies in place that encourages clients to move through the channel swiftly. Emotional values Most businesses that are doing well in this competitive global environment have embraced the use of online platforms to reach their customers within shortest periods of time and therefore in this era geographical boundaries are no longer a hindrance to business transactions (Chang and Chen, 2008). This explains the need as to why people have to get a deeper understanding of online customer experience so as to improve on their goods and service deliveries. Regular employee feedback has to be acted upon in due time-instead of doing annual surveys on employee feedbacks its advisable to use tools which allow staffs to share different ideas on ways of improving online customer experience and this will enable managers to see the feelings of its staff towards the business operations (Kim et al., 2008). A closed environment can be created by use of social media tools where employees leave feedbacks on a regular basis. Carry out measurements on the ROI to see whether great customer experience is delivered- this is one of the biggest challenges that organizations face and this is the reason as to why many organizations use net promoter score that collects information that is valuable through asking straight forward single questions (Poynter, 2008). It is used as the standard benchmark for measuring customer experience. Its very simple to implement and use. Rational values Make use of the call to action image-this image enables or prompts the website visitors to subscribe to some of their newsletters, request products and services or even view a webinar with ease (Zhao and Zhu, 2010). Make use of lead magnets that are effective- this magnet should be used in line with the call to action image so as to easily get potential customers on board. This makes clients to be actual quality lead that freely spend their money on the services that circle of life offers. From the above discussion its evident that online customer experience is an aspect that has to be taken seriously by those in business because the customers needs have to be well net if anyone is looking at growing the business. Putting structures in place that fosters or strengthens online customer experience goes along way with the tremendous success that may be experienced by those in business. Circle of life just like any other organization depends heavily on digital marketing strategies to attract a wide client base considering the kind of business they are engaged in. Its now evident that mobile is becoming a focal point due the increased rate at which companies are investing more time in trying to understand the customer experience which is now multichannel (Lemke, et al., 2010). There is an extent to which companies are meant to understand the overall online customer experience across offline and online channels as well as the types of technology used in identifying and addre ssing such issues. Conclusion Its therefore recommended that they make various improvements on their social media use such as driving of traffics to their sites, making use of lead magnets and call to action images to better serve and satisfy their clients online. Its however evident that amidst all these recommendation the key one is having a clear goal in place so as to ensure the clients gets to understand what to expect in search of their services. In a conclusive manner customer online experience and digital marketing strategies are things that should not be ignored in this digital era of doing business if anyone wants to make maximum benefits. References Anitsal, I. Schumann, D. (2007), Toward a Conceptualization of Customer Productivity: The Customer's Perspective on Transforming Customer Labor into Customer Outcomes Using Technology-Based Self-Service Options, The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 15, 4, 349-363. Chang, H. H. Chen, S. W. (2008), The Impact of Customer Interface Quality, Satisfaction and Switching Costs on E-Loyalty: Internet Experience as a Moderator, Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 6, 2927-2944. Frow, P. and Payne, A. (2007). Towards the perfect customer experience. Journal of Brand Management, 15, pp. 89101. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

NAFTA Essay Research Paper If NAFTA made free essay sample

NAFTA Essay, Research Paper If NAFTA made this understanding, people would be able to travel about Canada, the United States, and Mexico with easiness. The unskilled workers in Mexico would migrate to # 8220 ; El Norte, # 8221 ; looking for higher paying occupations. The supply of workers in Mexico will drastically diminish. Merely the terminally nescient, or those with households in Mexico, would remain in a hapless state and earn low rewards. On the other manus, the United States # 8217 ; supply of workers will increase drastically. Canada # 8217 ; s supply of workers would non be changed dramatically, because it is so similar to the United States, merely farther off. The sum of workers traveling from Canada to the United States and frailty versa would non be badly affected, nevertheless, if the United States # 8217 ; supply of workers becomes excessively great so workers might migrate north to Canada to happen occupations. High school economic sciences instructors would be able to work in any of the three states, as the same basic cognition of economic sciences is required. We will write a custom essay sample on NAFTA Essay Research Paper If NAFTA made or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I think instructors in Mexico would take to travel to the United States or Canada, if they were proficient in the native linguistic communication, because the rewards would be much more sweet. The supply of economic sciences instructors in the US and Canada would increase, thereby somewhat diminishing the rewards. Mexico # 8217 ; s supply of economic science instructors would drop, so the rewards for economic science instructors would somewhat increase. Equilibrium rewards for economic science instructors will stay about the same, and employment will be high. For carpenters, once more, I think the rewards in the North would be higher. Because woodworking does non affect extended instruction and focuses on the endowment and accomplishment of carpenters, workers would be able to easy travel to another state. If all of the carpenters in Mexico make up ones mind to # 8220 ; run for the bord Er, † the supply of carpenters in the US and Canada will drastically increase. Wagess will increase for skilled carpenters in Mexico, and rewards in the US and Canada will fall somewhat. If excessively many Mexicans move to the North there will be high unemployment, because we will hold a ton of skilled workers and non plenty occupations to carry through their demands. Peoples will finally desire to return to Mexico, because with the supply of skilled workers being so low, the rewards will be somewhat higher. For ob/gyns, I would believe the United States or Canada would be the finish of pick, merely because our wellness attention is much more advanced. In any of the states, nevertheless, the wage will be important because of pay derived functions. They will finally do up for all of the old ages of schooling by having high rewards. For fast-food workers, the supply will increase in the US due to the unskilled workers from Mexico who try to acquire these occupations. Demand for workers in the fast-food industry will travel down, because there are plentifulness of unskilled workers. Demand for the labour will diminish every bit good, because the supply of labour is so great. Newspaper newsmans will most likely stay where they are. There is ever traveling to be intelligence to be reported, and the linguistic communication barrier besides plays a portion. Most Mexican workers will desire to travel to the US or Canada because existent rewards are higher than those of Mexico. In the US and Canada, rewards are higher because of better instruction, a more skilled work force, larger stock of capital per worker, and the advantage of modern engineering. Unskilled workers from Mexico might happen themselves in the same place no affair which state they are in. They will be viing for low-paying minimal pay occupations, and there will be a overplus of unskilled workers.