Friday, July 19, 2019

Finland: Nationalism, Development, and Values Essay -- World War II, Ru

While Finland is a rather young country in terms of independence, seeing that it was only in 1917 that it became independent, it is a country that has had a constant development of nationalism, values, and national identity. Finnish nationalism is highly shaped by its past before it was an independent country and by its neighbor, Russia. It also is affected by the three Wars which would involve its neighbor Russia. The three wars fought in WWII, events leading up to them, and their end results are all key points in developing Finnish Nationalism. These wars are the Winter War (1939-40) and the Continuation War (1941-44) in which Finland fought the Russians during WWII. Lastly, is the Lapland War (1944-45) in which the Finnish retreated from the Germans. These wars had lasting effects up until 1991 and dissolution of the USSR, making them huge factors on Finnish nationalism (Historical Highlights) . The effects of WWII would be gruesome for Finland and help shape its nationali sm for Finland today. Finland was originally an independent country when it was settled by Laps in about the year 700. This independence was short lived after it was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sweden in the twelfth century for nearly 700 years. Swedish would become the dominant language. Under Swedish rule, Finland would be introduced to Roman Catholicism. This would help to include Finland with the western culture. Also, Finland would come to experience similar economic and social experiences that Sweden would. Finland would nearly have no sense of national identity for a period of time. Finland would essentially be considered a part of Sweden. Then, in 1807, Finland would be conquered by Russia and remain a part of Russia up until its inde... ...allenge to Peacemakers (Mar., 1944), pp.33-38. Kirby, David (2006). A concise history of Finland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 343. Manninen, Laura. "War and Remembrance: An Aftermath of the Lapland War." Ethnologia Scandinavica 21(1991):53-63. Reese, Roger R. "Surrender And Capture In The Winter War And Great Patriotic War: Which Was The Anomaly?." Global War Studies 8.1 (2011): 87-98. Historical Abstracts. Web. 5 Dec. 2013. Tillotson, H.M. (1993). Finland at peace & war 1918–1993. Michael Russell. Trueman, Chris. "The Winter War 1939." The Winter War 1939., n.d. Web. 9 Dec 2013. . cited Vares, Vesa. "Creating A State And National Identity. Finland And Europe: 1918-1922." Valahian Journal Of Historical Studies 14.(2010): 79-104. Historical Abstracts. Web. 7 Dec. 2013.

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