Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Evidenced Based Medicine and the EMR Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evidenced Based Medicine and the EMR - Article Example Clancy (2013) points to the pharmaceutical drug approval process used in the West as one of the best examples of EBM utilized successfully. Although she makes a valid point of saying that increased direct healthcare spending makes very little impact, the monies spent on research and innovations such as Information Technology. With the average of over ten thousand medical studies at any one time in the US alone, the â€Å"evidence† part of EBM is growing sufficiently enough to make a difference. Even though it could be argued the US Government has a somewhat prejudiced attitude toward Health Information Technology (HIT), the NIH (2013) gives a refreshingly critical work on EBM. Of course, it highlights the strides the Department of Veterans’ Affairs in combining EBM and HIT. Yet the article states that HIT could be more successful if the VA had kept better clinical statistics concerning those research criteria such as smoking, cancer and patient obesity. Therefore, the answer concerning facilitation is that HIT and EBM should go hand in hand, especially considering the new technology available. The case of the forty five year old man with the prostate condition gives a very good scenario as to just how confusing the information technology and EHR system can actually be. The person himself would only visit three separate areas of the massive hospital complex (assumed to be admissions, the surgery suite, his room, and discharge and financials area). Yet his records would travel to an astonishing four different places, not including the test results, which travel to still another three places. The IT system seems to be efficient enough but one can quickly see how EHR is a big improvement over paper patient records, which have the chance of being misplaced in each of the different stops along the way. For instance, the

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