Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Village People not the YMCA guys Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Village People not the YMCA guys - Coursework Example This leads to the creation of new and brighter ideas. Also there is the efficient problem solving. These skills are brought about by the coming together of different minds in the organization. Brainstorming in the organization could help the employees come together and interact and help in the understanding of the company’s objectives. This social approach is also feasible for other organizations. This is because it ensures the overall continuity of the organization and also the overall growth. It also enables the employees of the Organization to have clear communication channels. The communication channels could come from the employees to the management team or the Organization’s board of governance. Effective communication makes the employees feel wanted in the Organization and this leads to an overall increase in productivity. A strategy that would be recommended where all teams involved in the running of the Organization benefit is the democratic style of leadership. This ensures that employees in the Organization are made to understand the objectives and Company’s goals and left to go about it their own way. This boosts the employees’ confidence and also their level of

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