Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Construct a sonnet of 14 exact lines based on milton's paradise lost Essay

Construct a sonnet of 14 exact lines based on milton's paradise lost book 5 - Essay Example According to Raphael, when God appointed his Son as King of heaven, Satan was jealous and refused to accept the appointment. Sneaking away in the night with a third of the host of heaven, Satan convinced them that they were equal to the Son and should not have to bow to him. Only one angel, Abdiel, stood up to argue that because they were made by God, God was of a more refined nature even than themselves and so his son must also be. It is only through God that the angels have the wonderful life they have and therefore they should be glad to take example of what is right and good from both God and Son. Satan argued back that because they cannot remember being created, they must have made themselves and are therefore equal to God. Other arguments he brings into the discussion include ideas of skepticism, freedom, equality, and natural right (Hooker, 1996). Abdiel warns of the impending doom descending as the punishing arm of God, but still leaves

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